Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Dr. Homi Bhabha Rd., Pashan, Pune 411 008, INDIA

Research Publications of Institute Scientists

Year :2023

( Impact Factor 2022 )

1Author/s :Abhiram Nirmal C.S., Abhilash S., Martin M., Sankar S., Mohapatra M., Sahai A.K.
Title :Changes in the thermodynamical profiles of the subsurface ocean and atmosphere induce cyclones to congregate over the Eastern Arabian Sea

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Source :Scientific Reports, 13: 15776, September 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-42642-9, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
2Author/s :Acharja P., Ghude S.D., Sinha B., Barth M., Govardhan G., Kulkarni R., Sinha V., Kumar Rajesh, Ali K., Gultepe I., Petit J.-E., Rajeevan M.N.
Title :Thermodynamical framework for effective mitigation of high aerosol loading in the Indo-Gangetic Plain during winter

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Source :Scientific Reports, 13: 13667, August 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-40657-w, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
3Author/s :Ahmed S., Thomas J.L., Angot H., Dommergue A., …, Mahajan A.S., … et al.
Title :Modelling the coupled mercury-halogen-ozone cycle in the central Arctic during spring

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Source :Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11: 00129, May 2023, DOI:10.1525/elementa.2022.00129, 1-35For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
4Author/s :Anand V., Korhale N., Panicker A.S., Beig G., Murthy B.S.
Title :Five-Year Fine Particulate Matter Assessment over a Western Indian Megacity

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Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, March 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00024-023-03235-9, 1099–1111For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
5Author/s :Anila S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Coupled feedback between the tropics and subtropics of the Indian Ocean with emphasis on the coupled interaction between IOD and SIOD

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 223: 104091, April 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104091, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
6Author/s :Aravindhavel A., Choudhury G., Prabhakaran Thara, Murugavel P., Tesche M.
Title :Retrieval and validation of cloud condensation nuclei from satellite and airborne measurements over the Indian Monsoon region

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 290: 106802, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106802, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
7Author/s :Arora A.
Title :Revisiting the effect of increasing horizontal resolution on the evolution of El Niño in a coupled model

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 230: 104256, November 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104256, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
8Author/s :Arora Anika, Valsala V., Pillai P.A.
Title :A contrast in biennial variability of rainfall between central India and the Western Ghats and its mechanisms

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Source :Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 103: 101383, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2023.101383, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.7
9Author/s :Aswini M.A., Ruchith R.D., Das Subrata Kumar, Ramaswamy V., Muraleedharan P.M., Kumar Ashwini
Title :Seasonal distribution of cirrus cloud characteristics and their rapid descent from polarization lidar measurements at the west coast of India

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 154, October 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-023-04518-w, 43-57For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
10Author/s :Athira K.S., Roxy M.K., Dasgupta P., Saranya J.S., Singh Vineet K., Attada R.
Title :Regional and temporal variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in relation to El Niño southern oscillation

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Source :Scientific Reports, 13:12643, August 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-38730-5, 1-13 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
11Author/s :Bera S., Jayachandran V., Prabhakaran Thara, Murugavel P.
Title :Cloud-scale dynamical and microphysical properties in contrasting monsoon environments from observations and simulations

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 248:106090, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106090, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.9
12Author/s :Bhalwankar R., Pawar V., Kamra A.K.
Title :Binary collisions of water drops in presence of horizontal electric fields: A wind tunnel study

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128: e2022JD037543, April 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022JD037543, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.4
13Author/s :Bhattacharya T., Chakraborty K., Ghoshal P.K., Ghosh J., Balaji B.
Title :Response of surface ocean pCO2 to tropical cyclones in two contrasting basins of the northern Indian Ocean

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128: e2022JC019058, April 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022JC019058, 1-27For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.6
14Author/s :Biswas M.S., Mali P., Lerot C., Smedt I.D., Mahajan A.S.
Title :Study of atmospheric glyoxal using multiple axis differential optical spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) in India

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 314: 120109, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120109, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
15Author/s :Bose T., Chakraborty S.
Title :Demonstration of process-based reconstruction of annual temperatures from tree ring oxygen isotope

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Source :Journal of Palaeosciences, 72, December 2023, DOI:10.54991/jop.2023.1849, 81–89For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
16Author/s :Brahmanandam P.S., Uma G., Tarakeswara Rao K., Sreedevi S., Latha Devi N.S.M.P., Chu Y-H, Das J., Mahesh Babu K., Narendra Babu A., Das Subrata K., Naveen Kumar V., Srinivas K.
Title :Doppler Sodar Measured Winds and Sea Breeze Intrusions over Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E), India

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Source :Sustainability, 15:12167, August 2023, DOI:10.3390/su151612167, 1-25For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
17Author/s :Camargo S.J., Murakami H., Bloemendaal N., Savin Chand, Deshpande M.S., Dominguez-Sarmiento C., … et al.
Title :An Update on the Influence of Natural Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Climate Change on Tropical Cyclones

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Source :Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, October 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.tcrr.2023.10.001, 216-239For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.9
18Author/s :Chakraborty K., Joshi A.P., Ghoshal P.K., Ghosh J., Akhand A., Bhattacharya T., Sreeush M.G., Valsala V.
Title :Mechanisms and drivers controlling spatio-temporal evolution of pCO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes in the southern Java coastal upwelling system

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Source :Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 293: 108509, October 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108509, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.8
19Author/s :Chatterjee D., Singh D., Singh P.K., Fohrer N., Singh B.B.
Title :Performance evaluation of different gridded precipitation and CMIP6 model products with gauge observations for assessing rainfall variability under the historical and future climate change scenario over a semi-arid catchment, India

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Source :Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 131: 103433, October 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.pce.2023.103433, 1-11For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.7
20Author/s :Chauhan T., Devanand A., Roxy M.K., Ashok K., Ghosh S.
Title :River interlinking alters land-atmosphere feedback and changes the Indian summer monsoon

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Source :Nature Communications, 14: 5928, September 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-41668-x, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 16.6
21Author/s :Chinta V., Du Y., Hong Y., Chen Z., Chowdary J.S.
Title :Impact of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation on tropical Indian Ocean sea surface height: An assessment from CMIP6 models

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, August 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8107, 4631-4647For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
22Author/s :Chowdary J.S., Saikrishna T.S., Dandi R.A., Patekar D., Parekh A., Gnanaseelan C., Osuri K.K.
Title :Symmetric and asymmetric response of Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall to different ENSO decay phases in observations and CMIP6 models

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 220: 104000, January 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.104000, 1-20For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
23Author/s :Dandi R.A., Dhakate A.R., Pillai P.A., Rambabu G., Sreenivas P., Saikrishna T.S.
Title :Assessment of extreme seasonal rainfall over India in current seasonal coupled models during the recent period

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, July 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06599-1, 461–487For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
24Author/s :Das Renu S., Rao Suryachandra A., Pillai P.A., Pradhan M., Srivastava Ankur
Title :Role of south-west Indian orography in modulating large-scale monsoon circulation

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 154, November 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-023-04597-9, 1277-1290For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
25Author/s :Das S.S., Kishore Kumar K., Subrahmanyam K.V., Venkat Ratnam M., Suneeth K.V., Sunilkumar S.V., Sinha P.R., Ghosh A.K., Das Subrata Kumar, Sonwabne S., Muralikrishna U.V., Kolte Y., Naja M., Abhilash S., Satheesan K., Rakesh V., Mahesh P., Koushik N., Chandran P.R.S., Girach I.A., Namboodiri K.V.S., Pandithurai G., Kirankumar N.V.P.
Title :Impact of annular solar eclipse on the trace gases and dynamics of the lower and middle atmosphere: Results inferred from an integrated campaign “Suryagrahan-2019”

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Source :Earth and Space Science, 10: e2023EA003044, September 2023, DOI:10.1029/2023EA003044, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.1
26Author/s :Das Subrata K., Deshpande S.M., MuraliKrishna U.V., Konwar M., Kolte Y.K., Chakravarty Kaustav, Kalapureddy M.C.R., Sahoo S.
Title :Aspects of melting layer and fall streaks in stratiform cloud system over the Western Ghats, India from Ka-band polarimetric radar observations

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 281: 106463, January 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106463, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
27Author/s :Datye A., Chakraborty S., Chattopadhyay R., Mohan P.M., Ansari M. A., Deodhar A.
Title :Precipitation isotopes’ response to the atmospheric processes over the mainland and the island region in the northern Indian Ocean: Implications to the paleo-monsoon study

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Source :Mausam, 74, April 2023, DOI:10.54302/mausam.v74i2.5998, 503-512For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.6
28Author/s :Deb Roy S., Bano S., Beig G., Murthy B.
Title :Impact assessment of surface ozone exposure on crop yields at three tropical stations over India

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Source :Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195: 338, January 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10661-022-10889-w, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.0
29Author/s :Debnath S., Govardhan G., Saha Subodh K., Hazra A., Pohkrel S., Jena C., Kumar Rajesh, Ghude S.D.
Title :Impact of dust aerosols on the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall on intra-seasonal time-scale

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 305: 119802, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119802, 1-13 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
30Author/s :Dharaiya V.R., Malyan V., Kumar V., Sahu M., Venkatraman C., Biswas P., Yadav K., Haswani D., Raman R.S., Bhat R., Najar T.A., Jehangir A., Patil R.P., Pandithurai G., Duhan S.S., Laura J.S.
Title :Evaluating the Performance of Low-cost PM Sensors over Multiple COALESCE Network Sites

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Source :Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23: 220390, May 2023,, 1-22For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.0
31Author/s :Dogra G., Bera S., Dewan A., Sahany S.
Title :Understanding Dynamical Properties of Cumulus Clouds Over the Bay of Bengal

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Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, July 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00024-023-03264-4, 2915–2926For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
32Author/s :Fadnavis S., Heinold B., Sabin T.P., Kubin A., Huang K., Rap A., Müller R.
Title :Air pollution reductions caused by the COVID-19 lockdown open up a way to preserve the Himalayan glaciers

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Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, September 2023, DOI:10.5194/acp-23-10439-2023, 10439-10449For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.3
33Author/s :Fadnavis S., Sagalgile A., Sonbawne S., Vogel B., Peter T., Wienhold F.G., Dirksen R., Oelsner P., Naja M., Müller R.
Title :Comparison of ozonesonde measurements in the upper troposphere and lower Stratosphere in Northern India with reanalysis and chemistry-climate-model data

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Source :Scientific Reports, 13: 7133, May 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-34330-5, 1-12For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
34Author/s :Fazal A.M., Varikoden H., Reji M.J.K.
Title :Long term trends and variabilities of rainfall of the global monsoon systems during boreal and austral summer seasons

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 229: 104251, October 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104251, 1-17For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
35Author/s :Fousiya T.S., Gnanaseelan C., Halder S., Kakatkar R., Chowdary J.S., Patekar D., Parekh A.
Title :A new approach for seasonal prediction using the coupled model CFSv2 with special emphasis on Indian Summer Monsoon

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, September 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8126, 4944-4964For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
36Author/s :Ganadhi M.K., Deshpande Medha, Sunilkumar K., Emmanuel R., Ingle S.
Title :Climatology and characteristics of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones over the North Indian Ocean

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, March 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.7945, 1773-1795For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
37Author/s :Ganeshi N.G., Mujumdar M., Takaya Y., Goswami M.M., Singh B.B., Krishnan R., Terao T.
Title :Soil moisture revamps the temperature extremes in a warming climate over India

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Source :npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6: 12, February 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41612-023-00334-1, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.0
38Author/s :Gangane A., Pawar S.D., Gopalakrishnan V., Saikrishnan K.C.
Title :Effect of dust particles on lightning flash rate and polarity of dust storms over India

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Source :Natural Hazards, 115, February 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11069-022-05651-x, 2505–2529For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.7
39Author/s :Gautam P., Chattopadhyay R., Joseph S., Martin G.M., Sahai A.K.
Title :Coupled model biases and extended-range prediction skill during the onset phase of the Indian summer monsoon with different initializations related to land surface and number of observations

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Source :Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, July 2023, DOI:10.1002/qj.4475, 1650-1673For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.9
40Author/s :Ghosh R., Pawar S.D., Hazra A., Wilkinson J., Mudiar D., Domkawale M.A., Gayatri Vani K., Gopalakrishnan V.
Title : Seasonal and regional distribution of lightning fraction over Indian subcontinent

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Source :Earth and Space Science, 10: e2022EA002728, June 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022EA002728, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.1
41Author/s :Ghosh S., Dey S., Das S., Riemer N., Giuliani G., Ganguly D., Venkatraman C., Giorgi F., Tripathi S.N., Ramachandran S., Rajesh T.A., Gadhavi H., Srivastava Atul K.
Title :Towards an improved representation of carbonaceous aerosols over the Indian monsoon region in a regional climate model: RegCM

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Source :Geoscientific Model Development, 16, January 2023, DOI:10.5194/gmd-16-1-2023, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.1
42Author/s :Ghude S.D., Jenamani R.K., Kulkarni R., Wagh S., Dhangar N.G., Parde A.N., Acharja P., Lonkar P., Govardhan G., Yadav P., Vispute A., Debnath S., Lal D. M., Bisht D.S., Jena C., Pawar P.V., Dhankhar S.S., Sinha V., Chate D.M., Safai P.D., Nigam N., Konwar M., Hazra A., Dharmaraj T ., Gopalkrishnan V., Padmakumari B., Gultepe I., Biswas M., Karipot A.K., Prabhakaran Thara, Nanjundiah R.S., Rajeevan M.
Title :WiFEX: Walk into the Warm Fog over Indo-Gangetic Plain Region

PDF file

Source :Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, May 2023, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0197.1, E980–E1005 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.0
43Author/s :Goswami M.M., Mujumdar M., Singh B.B., Ingale M., Ganeshi N., Ranalkar M., Franz T.E., Srivastav P., Niyogi D., Krishnan R., Patil S.N.
Title :Understanding the soil water dynamics during excess and deficit rainfall conditions over the core monsoon zone of India

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Source :Environmental Research Letters, 18: 114011, October 2023, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/acffdf, 1-16For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.7
44Author/s :Govardhan G., Ambulkar R., Kulkarni S., Vishnoi A., Yadav P., Choudhury B.A., Khare M., Ghude S.D.
Title :Stubble-burning activities in north-western India in 2021: Contribution to air pollution in Delhi

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Source :Heliyon, 9: e16939, June 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16939, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.0
45Author/s :Gunwani P., Govardhan G., Jena C., Jena C., Yadav P., Kulkarni S., Debnath S., Pawar P.V., Khare M., Kaginalkar A., Kumar Rajesh, Wagh S., Chate D., Ghude S.D.
Title :Sensitivity of WRF/Chem simulated PM2.5 to initial/boundary conditions and planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes over the Indo-Gangetic Plain

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Source :Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195: 560, April 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10661-023-10987-3, 1-17For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.0
46Author/s :Gupta A., Konduru R.T., Singh Vivek
Title :Satellite sensed summer monsoon torrential rain events characteristics along the Himalayan regions of North India and their dynamics

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 296: 107077, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107077, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
47Author/s :Gupta A.D., Soni A., Gupta T.
Title :Synergistic cancer risk assessment from PM1 bound metals and PAHs in the Indo-Gangetic Region

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Source :Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, 1: 100002, June 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scenv.2023.100002, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
48Author/s :Gupta S., Deb Burman P.K., Tiwari Y.K., Dumka U.C., Kumari Nikul, Srivastava A., Raghubanshi A.S.
Title :Understanding carbon sequestration trends using model and satellite data under different ecosystems in India

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Source :Science of The Total Environment, 897: 166381, November 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166381, 1-8For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.8
49Author/s :Hamza F., Zinjarde S.
Title :Use of marine microorganisms in designing anti-infective strategies for sustainable aquaculture production

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Source :Journal of Applied Microbiology, 134: lxad128, July 2023, DOI:10.1093/jambio/lxad128, 1-21For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.0
50Author/s :Hazra A., Dutta U., Chaudhari H.S., Pokhrel S., Konwar M.
Title :Role of mean, variability and teleconnection of clouds behind Indian summer monsoon rainfall

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, July 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8076, 4099-4118For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
51Author/s :Heintzenberg J., Legrand M., Gao Y., Hara .K, Huang S., Humphries R.S., Kamra A.K., Keywood M.D., Sakerin S.M.
Title :Spatio-Temporal Distributions of the Natural Non-Sea-Salt Aerosol Over the Southern Ocean and Coastal Antarctica and Its Potential Source Regions

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Source :Tellus - B, 75, September 2023, DOI:10.16993/ tellusb.1869, 47-64For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.3
52Author/s :Jacob A.T., Jayakumar A., Gupta K., Mohandas S., Hendry M.A., Smith D.K E., Francis T., Bhati S., Parde A.N., Mohan M., Mitra A.K., Gupta P.K., Chauhan P., Jenamani R.K., Ghude S.
Title :Implementation of the urban parameterization scheme in the Delhi model with an improved urban morphology

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Source :Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, Pt A, January 2023, DOI:10.1002/qj.4382, 40-60For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.9
53Author/s :Jeeva K., Sinha A.K., Seemala G.K., Pawar S.D., Guha A., Kamra A.K., Williams E.R., Ravichandran M.
Title :The global representativeness of fair-weather atmospheric electricity parameters from the coastal station Maitri, Antarctica

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128: e2022JD037696, May 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022JD037696, 1-17For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.4
54Author/s :Jeong H., Park H-S., Chowdary J.S., Xie S-P.
Title :Triple-Dip La Niña Contributes to Pakistan Flooding and Southern China Drought in Summer 2022

PDF file

Source :Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, September 2023, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0002.1, E1570–E1586For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.0
55Author/s :Jha A.K., Das Subrata Kumar, Deshpande S.M., Murali Krishna U.V.
Title :Radar observed convective storm characteristics at the eastern edge of the Indian summer monsoon trough

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, October 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06759-x, 3633–3652For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
56Author/s :Joseph S., Chattopadhyay R., Sahai A.K., Martin G.M., Dey Avijit, Mandal R., Phani M.K.R.
Title :Evaluation and comparison of the subseasonal prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon in IITM CFSv2 and UKMO GloSea5

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, August 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06650-1, 1683–1696For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
57Author/s :Jyoti J., Swapna P., Krishnan R.
Title :North Indian Ocean sea level rise in the past and future: The role of climate change and variability

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 228: 104205, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104205, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
58Author/s :Kala N.K., Anand N.S., Manoj M.R., Prasanth S., Pathak H.S., Prabhakaran Thara, Safai P.D., Moorthy K.K., Satheesh S.K.
Title :3D assimilation and radiative impact assessment of aerosol black carbon over the Indian region using aircraft, balloon, ground-based, and multi-satellite observations

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Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, October 2023, DOI:10.5194/acp-23-12801-2023, 12801-12819For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.3
59Author/s :Kalapureddy M.C.R., Sukanya P., Dhavale V., Nair M.R.
Title :CloudSat inferred contrasting monsoon intra-seasonal variation in the cloud vertical structure over Indian regions

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, August 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06643-0, 1567–1589For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
60Author/s :Kalbande R., Kumar Bipin, Maji S., Yadav R., Atey K., Rathore D.S., Beig G.
Title :Machine learning based quantification of VOC contribution in surface ozone prediction

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Source :Chemosphere, 326: 138474, June 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138474, 1-8For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.8
61Author/s :Kalita G., Yadav P.P., Jat R., Govardhan G., Ambulkar R., Kumar Rajesh, Gunwani P., Debnath S., Sharma P., Kulkarni S., Kaginalkar A., Ghude S.D.
Title :Forecasting of an unusual dust event over western India by the Air Quality Early Warning System

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 311: 120013, October 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120013, 1-11For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
62Author/s :Kanase R., Tirkey S., Deshpande M., Phani M.K.R., Johny C.J., Mukhopadhyay P., Iyengar G., Mohapatra M.
Title :Evaluation of the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS T1534) for the probabilistic prediction of cyclonic disturbances over the North Indian Ocean during 2020 and 2021

PDF file

Source :Journal of Earth System Science, 132: 143, August 2023, DOI:10.1007/s12040-023-02166-2, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.9
63Author/s :Kapoor T.S., Navinya C., Gupta A., Lokhande P., ..., Yang Lian, Pandithurai G., … et al.
Title :Reassessing the availability of crop residue as a bioenergy resource in India: A field-survey based study

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Source :Journal of Environmental Management, 341: 118055, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118055, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.7
64Author/s :Karmakar N., Joseph S., Sahai A.K., Kaur M., Phani R., Mandal R., Dey Avijit
Title :Northward propagation of convection over the Indian region in multiphysics multimodel ensemble

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Source :Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, Pt A, January 2023, DOI:10.1002/qj.4404, 231-246For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.9
65Author/s :Karrevula N.R., Dandi R.A., Nageswararao M.M., Rao Suryachandra A.
Title :Inter-annual variability of pre-monsoon surface air temperatures over India using the North American Multi-Model Ensemble models during the global warming era

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 151, January 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-022-04269-0, 133-151For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
66Author/s :Kaur M., Joseph S., Phani M.K.R., Sahai A., Dey Avijit, Mandal R.
Title :Impact of genesis conditions on regional simulations of extreme rainfall : A convection parameterization sensitivity study

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Source :Mausam, 74, April 2023, DOI:10.54302/mausam.v74i2.5983, 467–482For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.6
67Author/s :Khardekar P., Dutta U., Chaudhari H.S., Bhawar R.L., Hazra A., Pokhrel S.
Title :Increase in Indian summer monsoon precipitation as a response to doubled atmospheric CO2: CMIP6 simulations and projections

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 154, November 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-023-04612-z, 1233-1252For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
68Author/s :Khouider B., Goswami B.B., Phani R., Majd A.J.
Title :A shallow-deep unified stochastic mass flux cumulus parameterization in the single column Community Climate Model

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Source :Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15: e2022MS003391, November 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022MS003391, 1-27For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.8
69Author/s :Kohl M., Lelieveld J., Chowdhury S., Ehrhart S., Sharma D., Cheng Y., Tripathi S.N., Sebastian M., Pandithurai G., Wang H., Pozzer A.
Title :Numerical simulation and evaluation of global ultrafine particle concentrations at the Earth surface

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Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, October 2023, DOI:10.5194/acp-23-13191-2023, 2023, 13191-13215For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.3
70Author/s :Kokate S.H., Nehul S., Chaluvadi R., Varikoden H.
Title :Latitudinal variations of summer monsoon rainfall in different intensity classes over the Western Ghats

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 153, July 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-023-04500-6, 913-922 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
71Author/s :Konda G., Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C., Parekh A.
Title :Improvement in the skill of CMIP6 decadal hindcasts for extreme rainfall events over the Indian summer monsoon region

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Source :Scientific Reports, 13: 21737, December 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-48268-1, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
72Author/s :Konduru R.T., Mrudula G., Singh Vivek, Srivastava Atul K., Singh A.K.
Title :Unravelling the causes of 2015 winter monsoon extreme rainfall and floods over Chennai: Influence of atmospheric variability and urbanization on the hydrological cycle

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Source :Urban Climate, 47: 101395, January 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101395, 1-23For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.4
73Author/s :Konwar M., Malap N., Hazra A., Axisa D., Prabhakaran Thara, Khain A.
Title :Measurement of Flare Size Distribution and Simulation of Seeding Effect with a Spectral Bin Parcel Model

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Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, August 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00024-023-03293-z, 3019–3034For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
74Author/s :Korhale N., Anand V., Latha R., Murthy B.S.
Title :Multi-year observations of particulate matter and gases over Mumbai: Spatio-temporal variation, oxidation ratios, and secondary aerosols

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Source :Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14: 101917, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.apr.2023.101917, 1-11For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5
75Author/s :Korhale N., Anand V., Panicker A., Beig G.
Title :Measurements of surface ozone and its precursors in different microenvironments of coastal Indian metropolis of Mumbai

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Source :International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 20, February 2023, DOI:10.1007/s13762-022-03910-9, 2141–2158For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.1
76Author/s :Koteswara Rao K., Reddy P.J., Chowdary J.S.
Title :Indian heatwaves in a future climate with varying hazard thresholds

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Source :Environmental Research: Climate, 2: 015002, March 2023, DOI:10.1088/2752-5295/acb077, 1-22For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
77Author/s :Koul V., Brune S., Akimova A., Düsterhus A., Pieper P., Hövel L., Parekh A., Schrum C., Baehret J.
Title :Seasonal prediction of Arabian Sea marine heatwaves

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Source :Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2023GL103975, September 2023, DOI:10.1029/2023GL103975, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.2
78Author/s :Krishnapriya M.S., Varikoden H., Anjaneyan P., Kuttippurath J.
Title :Marine heatwaves during the pre-monsoon season and their impact on Chlorophyll-a in the north Indian Ocean in 1982–2021

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Source :Marine Pollution Bulletin, 197: 115783, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115783, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.8
79Author/s :Kulkarni G., Prabhakaran Thara, Malap N., Konwar M., Gurnule D., Bankar S., Murugave P.
Title :Physical evaluation of hygroscopic cloud seeding in convective clouds using in situ observations and numerical simulations during CAIPEEX

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 284: 106558, March 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106558, 1-17For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
80Author/s :Kumar Amit, Srivastava Atul K., Sunilkumar K., Srivastava M.K.
Title :Microphysical characteristics of cyclonic rainfall: A GPM-DPR based study over the Arabian Sea

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Source :Earth and Space Science, 10: e2023EA002895, October 2023, DOI:10.1029/2023EA002895, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.1
81Author/s :Kumar Bipin, Atey K., Singh B.B., Chattopadhyay R., Acharya N., Singh Manmeet, Nanjundiah R.S., Rao Suryachandra A.
Title :On the modern deep learning approaches for precipitation downscaling

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Source :Earth Science Informatics, 16, June 2023, DOI:10.1007/s12145-023-00970-4, 1459-1472For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.8
82Author/s :Kumar Praveen, Beig G., Sahu S.K., Yadav R., Maji S., Singh V., Bamniya B.R.
Title :Development of a high-resolution emissions inventory of carbonaceous particulate matters and their growth during 2011–2018 over India

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 303: 119750, June 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119750For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
83Author/s :Kumar Rahul, Kuttippurath J., Gopikrishnan G.S., Kumar Pankaj, Varikoden H.
Title :Enhanced surface temperature over India during 1980–2020 and future projections: causal links of the drivers and trends

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Source :npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6: 164, October 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41612-023-00494-0, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.0
84Author/s :Kumar S., Singh N., Singh R.P., Siingh D.
Title :Variability of air quality and aerosol over Indian region during 2003–2012

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Source :Indian Journal of Physics, 97, January 2023, DOI:10.1007/s12648-022-02375-3, 17-23For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
85Author/s :Kumari Seema, Mayoor M., Agarwal S., Mahapatra S., Bharti B.
Title :Drought assessment using Z-Score for Vidarbha region, Maharashtra

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Source :Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 43, May 2023, 421-430For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
86Author/s :Kuttippurath J., Patel V.K., Gopikrishnan G.P., Varikoden H.
Title :Changes in Air Quality, Meteorology and Energy Consumption during the COVID-19 Lockdown and Unlock Periods in India

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Source :Air, 1, May 2023, DOI:10.3390/air1020010,125-138For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
87Author/s :Lakshmi Kumar T.V., Vinodhkumar B., Koteswara Rao K., Chowdary J.S., Osuri K.K., Desamsetti S.
Title :Insights from the bias-corrected simulations of CMIP6 in India's future climate

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 226: 104137, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104137, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
88Author/s :Latha R., Bano Shahana, More Dolly, Ambulkar R., Mondal T., Maurya P., Murthy B.S.
Title :On the transition of major pollutant and O3 production regime during Covid-19 lockdowns

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Source :Journal of Environmental Management, 328: 116907, February 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116907, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.7
89Author/s :Leena P.P., Anil Kumar V., Vijayakumar K., Basheer A.I., Sravanthi N., Patil R.D., Pandithurai G.
Title :Aerosol-CCN characteristics and dynamics associated with a pre-monsoon dust storm over a high-altitude site in Western Ghats, India

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Source :Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11356-023-30025-6, 109372-109388For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.8
90Author/s :Leena P.P., Varghese M., Kumar J.S., Anil Kumar V., Pandithurai G., Patil R.D., Resmi E.A., Prabhakaran Thara
Title :Use of multiplatform in-situ observation to study vertical structure and microphysics of clouds during southwest monsoon over Western Ghats, India

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 290: 106780, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106780, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
91Author/s :Lekshmi S., Chattopadhyay R., Pai D.S., Rajeevan M., Valsala V., Hosalikar K.S., Mohapatra M.
Title :On the relative role of east and west pacific sea surface temperature (SST) gradients in the prediction skill of Central Pacific NINO3.4 SST

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Source :Ocean Dynamics, 73, November 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10236-023-01581-9, 773-791For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.3
92Author/s :Limaye V.S., Magal A., Joshi J., Maji S., Dutta P., Rajput P., Pingle S., Madan P., Mukerjee P., Bano S., Beig G., Mavalankar D., Jaiswal A., Knowlton K.
Title :Air quality and health co-benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions by 2030: an interdisciplinary modeling study in Ahmedabad, India

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Source :Environmental Research: Health, 1, March 2023, DOI:10.1088/2752-5309/aca7d8, 1-17For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
93Author/s :Longkumer I., Biswasharma R., Pongener I., Roy P., Samanta D., Konwar M., Sharma S.
Title :A study of rain drop size distributions and associated rain microphysical processes over a subtropical station in the Northeast India

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 247: 106073, June 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106073, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.9
94Author/s :Madkaiker K., Valsala V., Sreeush M.G., Mallissery A., Chakraborty K., Deshpande A.
Title :Understanding the seasonality, trends, and controlling factors of Indian Ocean acidification over distinctive bio-provinces

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128: e2022JG006926, January 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022JG006926, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.7
95Author/s :Mahendra N., Nagaraju C., Chowdary J.S., Ashok K., Singh Manmeet
Title :A curious case of the Indian Summer Monsoon 2020: The influence of Barotropic Rossby Waves and the monsoon depressions

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 281: 106476, January 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106476, 1-16For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
96Author/s :Malap N., Prabhakaran Thara
Title :Entrainment rates in the cloud zones of continental shallow cumulus

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 286: 106679, May 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106679, 1-12For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
97Author/s :Mallet M.D., Humphries R.S., Fiddes S.L., …, Mahajan A.S., … et al.
Title :Untangling the influence of Antarctic and Southern Ocean life on clouds

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Source :Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11: 00130, April 2023, DOI:10.1525/elementa.2022.00130, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
98Author/s :Mandal R., Joseph S., Sahai A.K., Dey Avijit, Phani M.K.R., Pattanaik D. R., Kaur M., Karmakar N.
Title :Diagnostics and real-time extended range prediction of cold waves over India

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06666-1, 2051–2069For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
99Author/s :Manville G., Bell T.G., Mulcahy J.P., Simo R., Galf M., Mahajan A.S., Hulswar S., Halloran P.R.
Title :Global analysis of the controls on seawater dimethylsulfide spatial variability

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Source :Biogeosciences, 20, May 2023, DOI:10.5194/bg-20-1813-2023, 1813–1828For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.9
100Author/s :Mehta S.K., Aravindavel A., Velu V., Prabhakaran Thara, Pandithurai G., Narayana Rao D.
Title :Characteristics of elevated aerosol layer over the Indian east coast, Kattankulathur (12.82oN, 80.04°E): A northeast monsoon region

PDF file

Source :Science of The Total Environment, 886: 163917, August 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163917For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.8
101Author/s :Mohapatra S., Gnanaseelan C., Fousiya T.S., Dandapat S.
Title :What drives the decadal variability in sea surface salinity and stratification over the tropical Indian Ocean?

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 152, May 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-023-04429-w, 1129-1145For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
102Author/s :Mudra L., Sabin T.P., Krishnan R., Pausata F.S. R., Marti O., Braconnot P.
Title :Unravelling the roles of orbital forcing and oceanic conditions on the mid-Holocene boreal summer monsoons

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, August 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06629-y, 1333–1352For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
103Author/s :Murali Krishna U.V., Das Subrata Kumar, Kolte Y., Jha Abhishek, Konwar M., Deshpande S., Pandithurai G.
Title :Characterization of rain microphysics on the leeside of the Western Ghats

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Source :Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, October 2023, DOI:10.1002/qj.4554, 3250-3269For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.9
104Author/s :Nageswararao M.M., Sannan M.C., Sahai A.K., Baswanth Kumar K.R., Joseph S., Anji Reddy M.
Title :District-level seasonal rainfall characteristics over andhra pradesh and its global teleconnections in changing climate

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Source :Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 19, February 2023, DOI:10.29169/1927-5129.2023.19.01, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
105Author/s :Nair M.M., Naga Rajesh A., Sahai A.K., Lakshmi Kumar T.V.
Title :Quantification of uncertainties in projections of extreme daily precipitation simulated by CMIP6 GCMs over homogeneous regions of India

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, December 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8269, 7365-7380For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
106Author/s :Navinya C., Kapoor T.S., Anurag G., Lokhande P., Sharma R., …, Yang Lian, Pandithurai G., … et al.
Title :Heating and lighting: understanding overlooked energy-consumption activities in the Indian residential sector

PDF file

Source :Environmental Research Communications, 5: 045004, April 2023, DOI:10.1088/2515-7620/acca6f, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.9
107Author/s :Nivelkar M., Bhirud S., Singh Manmeet, Ranjan R., Kumar Bipin
Title :Quantum Computing to Study Cloud Turbulence Properties

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Source :IEEE Access, 11, June 2023, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3289924, 70679-70690For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
108Author/s :Pai R.U., Parekh A., Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Intra-decadal variability of the Indian Ocean shallow meridional overturning circulation during boreal winter

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 60, May 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06475-y, 2803–2818For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
109Author/s :Pai R.U., Parekh A., Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :The interannual variability of shallow meridional overturning circulation and its association with the south-west Indian Ocean heat content variability

PDF file

Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 151, February 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-022-04319-7, 1079–1094For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
110Author/s :Pai R.U., Parekh A., Halder S., Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Impact of intra-decadal variability of meridional heat transport on the rainfall over Southern Africa during austral summer

PDF file

Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, December 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8263, 7256-7273For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
111Author/s :Pandey U., Nakatsuka T., Mehrotra N., Zhen L., Kato Y., Sano M., Shah S.K.
Title :Tree-rings stable isotope (δ18O and δ2H) based 368 years long term precipitation reconstruction of South Eastern Kashmir Himalaya

PDF file

Source :Science of The Total Environment, 892: 164640, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164640, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.8
112Author/s :Panicker A.S., Sandeep K., Gautam A.S., Kumar S., Beig G., Latha R., Murthy B.S.
Title :Black Carbon Characteristics over a Semi-urban Environment in the Garhwal Himalayas

PDF file

Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, July 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00024-023-03311-0, 2879-2888For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
113Author/s :Patel S.S., Routray A., Dutta D., Bhatla R., Singh Vivek, George J.P.
Title :Studying the evolution of Uttarkashi cloudburst event from reanalysis datasets: A case study

PDF file

Source :Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 130: 101387, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2023.101387, 1-22For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.7
114Author/s :Pathakoti M., Mahalakshmi D.V., Sreenivas G., Taori A., Muvva V.R., Bothale R.V., Shaik I., Raja P, Chauhan P.
Title :Spatio-temporal variability of Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations over Antarctica using Ground and Space-based measurements

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Source :Polar Science, 38: 101012, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.polar.2023.101012, 1-9 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.8
115Author/s :Patil A.S., Nade D.P., Taori A., Pawar R.P., Pawar S.M., Nikte S.S., Pawar S.D.
Title :A Brief Review of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles

PDF file

Source :Space Science Reviews, 219: 16, February 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11214-023-00958-yFor reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 10.3
116Author/s :Pawar P.V., Ghude S.D., Govardhan G., Acharja P., Kulkarni R., Kumar R., Sinha B., Sinha V., Jena C., Gunwani P., Adhya T.K., Nemitz E., Sutton M.A.
Title :Chloride (HCl ∕ Cl−) dominates inorganic aerosol formation from ammonia in the Indo-Gangetic Plain during winter: modeling and comparison with observations

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, January 2023, DOI:10.5194/acp-23-41-2023, 41-59For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.3
117Author/s :Pawar V.S., Domkawale M.A., Bhalwankar R.V., Gopalakrishnan V., Pawar S.D.
Title :Lightning activity and Convective Available Potential Energy during different phases of Indian summer monsoon season over central region of India

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Source :Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 135: 32, May 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00703-023-00969-y, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
118Author/s :Pendharkar J., Figueroa S.N., Vara-Vela A., Phani M.K.R., Schuch D., Kubota P.Y., Alvim D.S., Vendrasco E.P., Gomes H.B., Nobre P., Herdies D.L.
Title :Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization for the Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model (BAM): Aerosol–Cloud Microphysical–Radiation Interactions

PDF file

Source :Remote Sensing, 15: 2782023, January 2023, DOI:10.3390/rs15010278, 1-25For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
119Author/s :Phani M.K.R., Ganai M., Tirkey S., Mukhopadhyay P.
Title :Revised cloud processes to improve the simulation and prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in climate forecast system model

PDF file

Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06674-1, 2189–2210For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
120Author/s :Pillai P.A., Dhakathe A.R., Kiran V.G.
Title :Different role of spring season Atlantic SST anomalies in indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) variability before and after early 2000

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06725-7, 2783–2796For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
121Author/s :Prabhakaran Thara, Murugavel P., Konwar M., Malap N., Gayatri K., Dixit S., Samanta S., Chowdhuri S., Bera S., Varghese M., Jaya Rao Y., Sandeep J., Safai P.D., Sahai A.K., Axisa D., Karipot A., Baumgardner D., Werden B., Fortner E., Hibert K., Nair S., Bankar S., Gurnule D., Todekar K., Jose J., Jayachandran V., Soyam P.S., Gupta A., Choudhary H., Aravindhavel A., Kantipudi S.B., Pradeepkumar P., Krishnan R., Nandakumar K., DeCarlo P.F., Worsnop D., Bhat G.S., Rajeevan M., Nanjundiah R.
Title :CAIPEEX - Indian cloud seeding scientific experiment

PDF file

Source :Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, November 2023, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0291.1, E2095-E2120For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.0
122Author/s :Praveen Kumar, Beig G., Singh Vikas, Sahu S.K., Siingh D., Bamniya B.R
Title :Model simulation of carbonaceous fine particulate matter using SAFAR emission inventory and comparison with EDGAR-HTAP simulations

PDF file

Source :Atmospheric Environment, 315: 120147, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120147, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
123Author/s :Prein A.F., Ban N., Ou T., Tang J., Sakaguchi K., Collier E., Sanjay J., … et al.
Title :Towards Ensemble-Based Kilometer-Scale Climate Simulations over the Third Pole Region

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 60, June 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06543-3, 4055–4081For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
124Author/s :Rajput A.S.D., Sharma S.
Title :An exploratory study of Indian scientists’ perceptions of their roles and responsibilities in science communication

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Source :African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 15, July 2023, DOI:10.1080/20421338.2022.2124682, 415-428For reprint mail to ..
4310 (Reprint Not Available)
Impact Factor 0.0
125Author/s :Rajput A.S.D., Sharma S.
Title :Importance of communicating science to the general public: an empirical study of top Indian scientists

PDF file

Source :Weather, 78, February 2023, DOI:10.1002/wea.4214, 50-55For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.9
126Author/s :Raju A., Sijikumar S., Deb Burman P.K., Valsala V., Tiwari Y.K., Mukherjee S., Lohani P., Kumar K.
Title :Very high-resolution Net Ecosystem Exchange over India using Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) simulations

PDF file

Source :Ecological Modelling, 481: 110340, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110340, 1-12For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.1
127Author/s :Ramaraj A.P., Rao K.P.C., Kishore Kumar G., Ugalechumi K., Sujatha P., Rao Suryachandra A., Dhulipala R.K., Whitbread A.M.
Title :Delivering context specific, climate informed agro-advisories at scale: A case study of iSAT, an ICT linked platform piloted with rainfed groundnut farmers in a semi-arid environment

PDF file

Source :Climate Services, 31: 100403, October 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.cliser.2023.100403, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.2
128Author/s :Ramarao M.V.S., Ayantika D.C., Krishnan R., Sanjay J., Sabin T.P., Mujumdar M., Singh K.K.
Title :Signatures of aerosol-induced decline in evapotranspiration over the Indo-Gangetic Plain during the recent decades

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Source :Mausam, 74, April 2023, DOI:10.54302/mausam.v74i2.6031 , 297-310For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.6
129Author/s :Ray Avishek, Pandithurai G., Mukherjee S., Anil Kumar V., Hazra A., Patil R.D., Waghmare V.
Title :Seasonal variability in size-resolved hygroscopicity of sub-micron aerosols over the Western Ghats, India: Closure and parameterization

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Source :Science of The Total Environment, 869: 161753, April 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161753, 1-9 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.8
130Author/s :Reddy A.P., Gandhi N., Yadava M.G., Krishnan R.
Title :The Indian monsoon variability during the last two millennia and links to the tropical equatorial Pacific

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 60, June 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06513-9, 3645–3660For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
131Author/s :Resmi E.A.; Preethi B., Ajayamohan R.S., Ray P., Unnikrishnan C.K., Nita S., Sumesh R.K., Dharmadas J.
Title :Analysis of localized features during wet and dry rainfall episodes over southern tip of India

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, December 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8267, 7326-7345For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
132Author/s :Reyes-Villegas E., Lowe D., Johnson J.S., Carslaw K.S., Darbyshire E., Flynn M., Allan J.D., Coe H., Chen Y., Wild O., Archer-Nicholls S., Archibald A., Singh S., Shrivastava M., Zaveri R.A., Singh V., Beig G., Sokhi R., McFiggans G.
Title :Simulating organic aerosol in Delhi with WRF-Chem using the volatility-basis-set approach: exploring model uncertainty with a Gaussian process emulator

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Source :Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, May 2023, DOI:10.5194/acp-23-5763-2023, 5763–5782For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 6.3
133Author/s :Romps D.M., Latimer K., Zhu Q., Jurkat-Witschas T., Mahnke C., Prabhakaran Thara, Weigel R., Wendisch M.
Title :Air pollution unable to intensify storms via warm-phase invigoration

PDF file

Source :Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2022GL100409, January 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022GL100409, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.2
134Author/s :Roy A., Murtugudde R., Narvekar P., Sahai A.K., Ghosh S.
Title :Remote sensing and climate services improve irrigation water management at farm scale in Western-Central India

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Source :Science of The Total Environment, 879: 163003, June 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163003, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.8
135Author/s :Roy C., Rathod S.D., Ayantika D.C.
Title :NOx-induced changes in upper tropospheric O3 during the Asian summer monsoon in present-day and future climate

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Source :Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2022GL101439, February 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022GL101439, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.2
136Author/s :Roy C., Ravishankara A.R., Newman P.A., David L.M., Fadnavis S., Rathod S.D., Lait L., Krishnan R., Clark H., Sauvage B.
Title :Estimation of Stratospheric Intrusions During Indian Cyclones

PDF file

Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128: e2022JD037519, February 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022JD037519, 1-21For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.4
137Author/s :Sagar A., Krishnan R., Sabin T.P.
Title :Anthropogenically-forced weakening of the Indian summer monsoon and enhancement of the western North Pacific tropical cyclogenesis

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Source :Frontiers in Earth Science, 11: 1149344, March 2023, DOI:10.3389/feart.2023.1149344, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.9
138Author/s :Sagar V.K., Kanchana A.L., Nayak R.K., Fadnavis S., Kanawade V.P.
Title :Chemical kinetics of near-surface ozone at a suburban location in India

PDF file

Source :Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11: 1178833, September 2023, DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2023.1178833, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
139Author/s :Saha Subodh K., Xue Y., Krishnakumar S., Diallo I., Shivamurthy Y., Nakamura T., Tang Q., Chaudhari H.S.
Title :A dominant mode in the first phase of the Asian summer monsoon rainfall: role of antecedent remote land surface temperature

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06709-7, 2735–2751For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
140Author/s :Saiz-Lopez A., Fernandez R.P., Li Q., Cuevas C.A., Fu X., Kinnison D.E., Tilmes S., Mahajan A.S., Martín J.C.G., Iglesias-Suarez F., Hossaini R., Plane J.M.C., Myhre G., Lamarque J.F.
Title :Natural short-lived halogens exert an indirect cooling effect on climate

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Source :Nature, 618, June 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41586-023-06119-z, 967–973 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 64.8
141Author/s :Samanta S., Prabhakaran Thara, Murugavel P., Suneetha P.
Title :Morphological and microphysical characteristics associated with the lifecycle of a stationary cloud cluster during the Indian Summer Monsoon: A comparative study with numerical simulations and radar observation

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 281: 106464, January 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106464, 1-16For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
142Author/s :Sawaisarje G.K., Chaudhari H.S.
Title :Influence of Continentality and Oceanity Over India During 1981–2010 and its Teleconnections to ENSO and IOD

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Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, June 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00024-023-03280-4, 2443–2460For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
143Author/s :Segato D., Saiz-Lopez A., Mahajan A.S., Wang F., … et al.
Title :Arctic mercury flux increased through the Last Glacial Termination with a warming climate

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Source :Nature Geoscience, 16, May 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41561-023-01172-9, 439–445 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 18.3
144Author/s :Sengupta S., Bhattacharya S.K., Sunil N.S., Sonar S.
Title :Quantifying Raindrop Evaporation Deficit in General Circulation Models from Observed and Model Rain Isotope Ratios on the West Coast of India.

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Source :Atmosphere, 14: 1147, July 2023, DOI:10.3390/atmos14071147, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.9
145Author/s :Sengupta S., Borgaonkar H., Datye A., Gajbe A.
Title :Deciphering climate response variation along the Western Ghats of India archived in teak ring width

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 154, November 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00704-023-04590-2, 847–861For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.4
146Author/s :Sharma A., Khare P., Singh N., Tiwari Suresh, Chate D.M., Ranjit Kumar
Title :Anthropogenic aerosols in precipitation over the Indo-Gangetic basin

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Source :Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45, March 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10653-022-01236-6, 961–980For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.2
147Author/s :Siingh D., Singh R.P., Victor N. J., Kamra A.K.
Title :The DC and AC global electric circuits and climate

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Source :Earth Science Reviews, 244:104542, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104542, 1-28For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 12.1
148Author/s :Sijikumar S., Raju A., Valsala V., Tiwari Y.K., Girach I.A, Jain C.D., Venkat Ratnam M.
Title :High-Resolution Bayesian Inversion of Carbon Dioxide Flux Over Peninsular India

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 308: 119868, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119868For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.0
149Author/s :Simanjuntak C., Gaiser T., Ahrends H.E., Ceglar A., Singh Manmeet, Ewert F., Srivastava A.K.
Title :Impact of climate extreme events and their causality on maize yield in South Africa

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Source :Scientific Reports, 13: 12462, August 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-38921-0, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
150Author/s :Singh Manmeet, Acharya N., Jamshidi S., Jiao J., Yang Z, Coudert M., Baumer Z., Niyogi D
Title :DownScaleBench for developing and applying a deep learning based urban climate downscaling- first results for high-resolution urban precipitation climatology over Austin, Texas

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Source :Computational Urban Science, 3: 22, May 2023, DOI:10.1007/s43762-023-00096-9, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
151Author/s :Singh Manmeet., Acharya N., Patel P., Jamshidi S., Yang Z-L, Kumar Bipin, Rao Suryachandra A., Gill S.S., Chattopadhyay R., Nanjundiah R.S., Niyogi D.
Title :A modified deep learning weather prediction using cubed sphere for global precipitation

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Source :Frontiers in Climate, 4: 1022624, January 2023, DOI:10.3389/fclim.2022.1022624, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
152Author/s :Solanki R., Jaya Rao Y., Malap N., Prasad P., Prabhakaran Thara
Title :Eddy dissipation rates in the dryline boundary layer

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Source :Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Online, October 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10652-023-09954-w, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Published online
Impact Factor 2.2
153Author/s :Somaru Ram, Pandey U., Srivastava M.K.
Title :Tree-ring based runoff reconstruction for western Himalaya in India during the last two centuries

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Source :Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 20, June 2023, DOI:10.1007/s13196-022-00308-5, 12–17For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
154Author/s :Sonbawne S.M., Raju M.P., Safai P.D., Devara P.C.S., Fadnavis S., Panicker A.S., Pandithurai G.
Title :Size-separated aerosol chemical characterization over Ny-Ålesund during the Arctic summer of 2010

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Source :Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action, 2: 100016, February 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scca.2023.100016, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
155Author/s :Sooraj K.P., Aswale A.M., Swapna P., Terray P., Sandeep N.S.
Title :Modulations in the Indian Summer Monsoon–ENSO teleconnections by the North Tropical Atlantic

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, November 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06817-4, 4603-4622For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
156Author/s :Soyam P.S., Safai P.D., Mukherjee S., Kondle S., Bankar S., K. Todekar, Malap N., Surendran D., Gaikwad A., Lohogaonkar S., Prabhakaran Thara
Title :Significant abundances of alkaline components in the fine and coarse aerosols over a tropical rain shadow location in peninsular India

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Source :Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 80, September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10874-023-09447-6, 191–209For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
157Author/s :Srivastava A., Kundu S.S., Pawar S.D., Gogoi R.B., Chakravorty A., Chhari A., Gopalkrishnan V., Aggarwal S.P.
Title :Evaluation of WRF-ELEC model to forecast lightning over the North Eastern region of India

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Source :Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 135: 39, June 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00703-023-00977-y, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
158Author/s :Srivastava A.K., Ewert F., Akinwumiju A.S., Zeng W., Ceglar A., Ezui K.S., Adelodun A., Adebayo A., Sobamowo J., Singh Manmeet, Rahimi J., Gaiser T.
Title :Cassava yield gap-A model-based assessment in Nigeria

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Source :Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6: 1058775, January 2023, DOI:10.3389/fsufs.2022.1058775, 1-16For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.7
159Author/s :Srivastava Ankur, Rao Suryachandra A., Ghosh S.
Title :Bay of Bengal upper-ocean stratification and the sub-seasonal variability in convection: Role of rivers in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model

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Source :Mausam, 74, April 2023, DOI:10.54302/mausam.v74i2.6011, 483–492For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.6
160Author/s :Srivastava Ankur, Rao Suryachandra A., Ghosh S.
Title :Improving the subseasonal variability of the Indian summer monsoon in a climate model

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, 43, September 2023, DOI:10.1002/joc.8142, 5227-5247For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
161Author/s :SunilKumar K., Das Subrata K., Deshpande S.M., Deshpande Medha, Pandithura G.
Title :Regional variability of precipitation characteristics in Tropical Cyclones over the North Indian Ocean from GPM-DPR measurements

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 283: 106568, March 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106568, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
162Author/s :Sushanth K., Mishra A., Mukhopadhyay P., Singh R.
Title :Near-real-time forecasting of reservoir inflows using explainable machine learning and short-term weather forecasts

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Source :Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, October 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00477-023-02489-y, 3945-3965For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.2
163Author/s :Sushanth K., Mishra Ashok, Mukhopadhyay P., Singh R.
Title :Real-time streamflow forecasting in a reservoir-regulated river basin using explainable machine learning and conceptual reservoir module

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Source :Science of The Total Environment, 861: 160680, February 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160680, 1-14For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 9.8
164Author/s :Suthinkumar P.S., Varikoden H., Babu C.A.
Title :Changes in extreme rainfall events in the recent decades and their linkage with atmospheric moisture transport

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Source :Global and Planetary Change, 221: 104047, February 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104047, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
165Author/s :Terao T., Kanae S., Fujinami H., Das S., Dimri A.P., …, Mujumdar M., … et al.
Title :AsiaPEX: Challenges and Prospects in Asian Precipitation Research

PDF file

Source :Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, April 2023, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0220.1, E884-E908For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.0
166Author/s :Terray P., Joseph L., Sooraj K.P.
Title :Anatomy of the Indian summer monsoon and ENSO relationship in a state-of-the-art CGCM: role of the tropical Atlantic Ocean

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 60, March 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06397-9, 1559–1582For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
167Author/s :Tham Y.J., Sarnela N., Iyer S., Li Q.Y., Angot H., Quelever L.L.J., Beck I., …, Mahajan A.S., … et al.
Title :Widespread detection of chlorine oxyacids in the Arctic atmosphere

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Source :Nature Communications, 14: 1769, March 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-37387-y, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 16.6
168Author/s :Thomas B., Kunchala R.K., Singh B.B., Kumar K.N.
Title :Climatology of Rossby Wave Breaking over the subtropical Indian region

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128: e2022JD038344, May 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022JD038344, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.4
169Author/s :Tibrewal, K., Venkataraman, C., Phuleria, …, Lian Yang, Pandithurai G., … et al.
Title :Reconciliation of energy use disparities in brick production in India

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Source :Nature Sustainability, 6, October 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41893-023-01165-x, 1248-1257For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 27.6
170Author/s :Tinel L., Abbatt J., Saltzman E., Engel A.Fernandez R., Li Q., Mahajan A.S., Nicewonger M. Novak G., Saiz-Lopez A., Schneider S., Wang S.
Title :Impacts of ocean biogeochemistry on atmospheric chemistry

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Source :Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11: 00032, September 2023, DOI:10.1525/elementa.2023.00032, 1-26For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.9
171Author/s :Uchale G., Deb Burman P.K., Tiwari Y.K., Datye A., Sarkar A.
Title :Investigating terrestrial carbon uptake over India using multimodel simulations of gross primary productivity and satellite-based biophysical product

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Source :Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128: e2023JG007468, November 2023, DOI:10.1029/2023JG007468, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.7
172Author/s :Varghese M., Malap N., Konwar M., Bera S., Jose J., Bankar S.P., Murugavel P., Prabhakaran Thara
Title :Impact of monsoon on below cloud base aerosol hygroscopicity over a rain shadow region of India

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 285: 106630, April 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106630, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
173Author/s :Veina V.H., Ramanathan S.P., Kokilavani S., Patil S.G., Pawar S.D., Gopalakrishnan V., Mahapatra S., Balasubramanian P.
Title :Spatial Vulnerability Assessment and Diurnal Climatology of Lightning Events in Tamil Nadu, India

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Source :International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 13, July 2023, DOI:10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i92261, 490–501 For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
174Author/s :Vibhute A.S., Chowdary J.S., Patekar D., Park H.S., Koteswara Rao K., Parekh A., Gnanaseelan C.
Title :Abrupt sub-seasonal rainfall variability over India during summer monsoon 2021: Interaction between midlatitude and tropical circulation

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 292:106869, September 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106869, 1-18For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.5
175Author/s :Victor J.N., Afreen S., Siingh D., Chandra S., Singh R.P., Potdar S.S., Bashir G., Kazhugasalamoorthy S., Nirmal Kumar R., Singh V., Ahmad N.
Title :Electrical Characteristics of Thunderstorms Under Different Weather Conditions in the Kashmir Valley, India

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Source :Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180, March 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00024-022-03223-5, 1185–1204For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.0
176Author/s :Vivek Singh, Srivastava Atul K., Samanta R., Singh A., Kumar Arun, Singh A.K.
Title :Investigating Physics Behind the Rapid Intensification and Catastrophic Landfall of Cyclone ‘Titli’ (2018) in the Bay of Bengal

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Source :Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 61, March 2023, DOI:10.56042/ijpap.v61i3.70531, 175-181For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.7
177Author/s :Wagh S., Kulkarni R., Lonkar P., Parde A.N., Dhangar N.G. , Govardhan G., Sajjan V., Debnath S., Gultepe I., Rajeevan M., Ghude S.D.
Title :Development of visibility equation based on fog microphysical observations and its verification using the WRF model

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Source :Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9, March 2023, DOI:10.1007/s40808-022-01492-6, 195–211For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
178Author/s :Wagh S.P., Joge S.D., Singh S., Mali P., Beirle S., Wagner T., Bucci S., Saiz-Lopez A., Bhawar R., Mahajan A.S.
Title :Year-long ground-based observations of bromine oxide over Bharati Station, Antarctica

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Source :Polar Science, 38: 100977, December 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.polar.2023.100977, 1-11For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.8
179Author/s :Xavier A.K., Varikoden H., Babu C.A., Reshma T.
Title :Influence of PDO and ENSO with Indian summer monsoon rainfall and its changing relationship before and after 1976 climate shift

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 61, December 2023, DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06865-w, 5465-5482For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.6
180Author/s :Yadav R.K.
Title :Influencing factors associated with the second dominant pattern of the Indian summer monsoon

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Source :Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, October 2023, DOI:10.1002/qj.4559, 3342-3356For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.9
181Author/s :Yan C., Tham Y.J., Nie W., Xia M., Wang H.., Guo Y., Ma W., Zhan J., Hua C., Li Y., Deng C., Li Y., Zhen F., Chen X., Li Q., Zhang G., Mahajan A.S., … et al.
Title :Increasing contribution of nighttime nitrogen chemistry to wintertime haze formation in Beijing observed during COVID-19 lockdowns

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Source :Nature Geoscience, 16, November 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41561-023-01285-1, 975-981For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 18.3
182Author/s :Yang L., Soyam P.S., Patil R.P., Ray A., Waghmare V.V., Haswani D., Raman R.S., Safai P.D., Pandithurai G.
Title :Impact of nylon and teflon filter media on the sampling of inorganic aerosols over a high altitude site

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Source :Environmental Advances, 12: 100373, July 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.envadv.2023.100373, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 0.0
183Author/s :Zhang J., Yu W., Lewis S., Thompson L. G., Bowen G. J., Yoshimura K., Cauquoin A., Werner M., Chakraborty S., … et al.
Title :Controls on stable water isotopes in monsoonal precipitation across the Bay of Bengal: Atmosphere and surface analysis

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Source :Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2022GL102229, March 2023, DOI:10.1029/2022GL102229, 1-12For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.2

Cumulative Impact Factor : 911.8 (Impact Factor 2022)

Papers published online: 1

Papers with impact factor: 168

(Updated on 18 October 2024 )

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