Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Dr. Homi Bhabha Rd., Pashan, Pune 411 008, INDIA

Research Publications of Institute Scientists

Year :2025

( Impact Factor 2023 )

1Author/s :Amit Kumar, Srivastava Atul K., Mehrotra B.J., Srivastava M.K., Pattanaik D.R.
Title :Decadal seasonal characteristics of precipitation microphysics over the Western Ghats using the space-borne precipitation radar

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 315: 107894, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107894, 1-12For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5
2Author/s :Asutosh A., Tilmes S., Bednarz E.M., Fadnavis S.
Title :South Asian Summer Monsoon under stratospheric aerosol intervention

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Source :npj climate and atmospheric science, 8: 3, January 2025, DOI:10.1038/s41612-024-00875-z, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 8.5
3Author/s :Bhowmik M., Ayantika D.C., Swapna P., Hazra A., Krishnan R.
Title :Advancing effective radius parameterizations in climate models: insights from fundamental theoretical studies and CMIP6 model

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 63: 7, January 2025, DOI:10.1007/s00382-024-07500-y, 1-16For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.8
4Author/s :Cheung K.K.W., Ozturk U., Malik N., Agarwal A., Krishnan R., Rajagopalan B.
Title :A review of synchronization of extreme precipitation events in monsoons from complex network perspective

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Source :Journal of Hydrology, 651: 132604, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132604, 1-22For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.9
5Author/s :Goswami T., Mukhopadhyay P., Phani M.K.R., Rajeevan M., Chowdhuri S.
Title :Can a 12 Km GFS model simulate the observed relationship between cloud optical properties and extreme rainfall of Indian Summer monsoon?

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Source :Weather and Forecasting, 40, January 2025, DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-24-0010.1, 79-91For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.0
6Author/s :Hrudya P.H., Konda G., Chowdary J.S., Gnanaseelan C., Parekh A.
Title :Multi-Decadal Variations of Severe Cyclonic Storm Frequency Over the Bay of Bengal and Associated Mechanisms

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Source :International Journal of Climatology, Online, January 2025, DOI:10.1002/joc.8754, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Published online
Impact Factor 3.5
7Author/s :Kajakokulan P., Attada R., Nguyen-Le D., Chowdary J.S.
Title :Impacts of two types of El Nino events on spring surface air temperature over Sri Lanka

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Source :Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 109: 101517, March 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2024.101517, 1-13For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.9
8Author/s :Kokilavani S., Geethalakshmi V., Ramanathan S.P., Pawar S.D., Gopalakrishnan V., Mahapatra S., Dhangar J.C., Dheebakaran G., Sathyamoorthy N.K., Kumar M.S., Kumar S. M., Domkawale M.A.
Title :Thermodynamics link with lightning incidents in Tamil Nadu, India

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Source :Journal of Earth System Science, 134: 6, March 2025, DOI:10.1007/s12040-024-02468-z, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 1.3
9Author/s :Krishnan R., Dhara C., Horinouchi T., Gonzales C.K.G., Dimri A.P., Shrestha M.S., Swapna P., Roxy M.K., Son S.W., Ayantika D.C., Cruz F.A.T., Qiao F.
Title :Compound weather and climate extremes in the Asian region: Science informed recommendations for policy

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Source :Frontiers in Climate, 6: 1504475, January 2025, DOI:10.3389/fclim.2024.1504475, 1-19For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.3
10Author/s :Madhulatha, Das A.K., Bhan S.C., Mohapatra M., Pai D.S., Pattanaik D.R., Mukhopadhyay P.
Title :Feasibility of model output statistics (MOS) for improving the quantitative precipitation forecasts of IMD GFS model

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Source :Journal of Hydrology, 649: 132454, March 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132454, 1-9For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 5.9
11Author/s :Mandal R., Joseph S., Waje S., Chaudhary A., Dey Avijit, Kalshetti M., Sahai A.K.
Title :Heat waves in India: patterns, associations, and subseasonal prediction skill

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Source :Climate Dynamics, 63: 42, January 2025, DOI:10.1007/s00382-024-07539-x, 1-16For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 3.8
12Author/s :Mukherjee S., Patil R.D., Aslam M.Y., Meena G.S., Anil Kumar V., Patil S.S., Mahajan A.S., Tinel L., Waghamare V.V., Pandithurai G.
Title :Aerosol volatility over a high-altitude site in India: Effect of semi-volatile organics

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 315: 107877, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107877, 1-10For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5
13Author/s :Patade S., Kulkarni G., Patade S., Waman D., Sotiropoulou G., Samanta S., Malap N., Prabhakaran Thara
Title :Importance of secondary ice production in mixed-phase monsoon clouds over the Indian subcontinent

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 315: 107890, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107890, 1-22For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5
14Author/s :Raj V., Sarthi P.P., Barat A., Srivastava Atul K.
Title :Relationship of aerosol with cloud and precipitation over the Gangetic plain of India

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Source :Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 156: 5, January 2025, DOI:10.1007/s00704-024-05267-0, 1-8For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.8
15Author/s :Singh Karan, Gautam A.S., Victor N.J., Kumar Sanjeev, Potdar S.S., Komsaare K., Siingh D.
Title :Characteristics of new particle formation events at high-altitude location of Western Himalayan Region, Tehri Garhwal, India

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 315: 107903, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107903, 1-21For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5
16Author/s :Sonal Kumari, Latha R., Gujre N., Rao Nageswar, Murthy B.S.
Title :Assessing the impact of forest fires on air quality in Northeast India

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Source :Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 5, January 2025, DOI:10.1039/D4EA00107A, 82-93For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 2.8
17Author/s :Sood P., Bhatt S., Choudhary H., Gupta Abhishek, Raghuvanshi N.S., Sapkal P., Prabhakaran Thara, Dixit S.A.
Title :Experiments on scalar interface in plane turbulent wall jet: Statistics and fractality

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Source :Physics of Fluids, 37: 015124, January 2025, DOI:10.1063/5.0245077For reprint mail to ..
4584 (Reprint Not Available)
Impact Factor 4.1
18Author/s :Thapliyal P., Soni A., Gupta T.
Title :Field validation of brown carbon absorption dependence on acidity and aerosol liquid water content

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 315: 107868, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107868, 1-8For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5
19Author/s :Thomas B., Kunchala R.K., Singh B.B., Niranjan Kumar K.
Title :Rossby wave breaking and its impact on tropospheric ozone variability over the Indian subcontinent

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Source :Atmospheric Environment, 343: 120962, February 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120962, 1-15For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.2
20Author/s :Varikoden H., Jamshadali V.H., George C., Reshma T., Vishnu R.
Title :Historical and future projections of southwest monsoon rainfall extremes: a comprehensive study using CMIP6 simulations

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Source :Atmospheric Research, 315: 107870, April 2025, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107870, 1-23For reprint mail to ..
Impact Factor 4.5

Cumulative Impact Factor : 81.8 (Impact Factor 2023)

Papers published online: 1

Papers with impact factor: 20

(Updated on 20 January 2025 )

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