Working Group on

Long-Term Trends in the Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere

(A joint venture of IAGA /ICMA)

Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 9-14, 2004.


Prague, Czech Republic, July 2-6, 2001.


Innsbruck, Austria, July 10-18, 2001.


Hanoi, Vietnam, August 18-30, 2001.

(IAGA Div II , ICMA)         

Convener : Gufran Beig (India),, Fax : +91-20-589-3825

Co-Convener : J.Lastovicka (Czech Reepublic)


at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, 

September 24-October 5, 2001.


"Long Term Changes And Trends In The Atmosphere"

Held at 'Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology', Pune, India

February 16-19, 1999.