The Indian Meteorological Society, Pune Chapter (IMSP), a chapter under Indian Meteorological Society, is one of the largest and active chapters in the country. About 600 members are actively associated with India Meteorological Department (IMD), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), various departments of University of Pune and other institutions. Even after retirement, the IMSP is the most important platform for the meteorological stalwarts to forward their experience and science to the young ones.

In order to keep a pace with time-to-time developments in the field of Meteorology, the Chapter organizes a sizable number of popular lectures by eminent meteorologists from India and abroad and more thematic programs focusing on popularization of Meteorology among the general public and basic academic institutions like schools and colleges etc.

As regular activity IMSP conducts "MONSOON WORKSHOP" every year. The behaviour and peculiarity of the monsoon season is discussed throughly during the workshop. The workshop also provides meteorologists working in the operational service and research an opportunity to present various features of the monsoon in their varied point of view. In addition the weather scientits share their views and knowledge on the changing trends in the monsoon activity and its implications on the various issues related to the climate change.