Upcoming online Webinars/Events/Training

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June 2024

National Training Workshop On: Climate impacts of carbonaceous Aerosols and Modeling (NT-CCAM-2)

Date: 25 -27 June 2024

Venue: IITM, Pune

Application Link: https://iitmjobs.tropmet.res.in/job/workshop-nt-ccam-2024.php


The carbonaceous aerosols influence the climate by altering the earth’s radiation budget. The major carbonaceous aerosols include Elemental carbon (EC), Black carbon (BC), Brown carbon (Brc) and organic carbon (OC). While the former three aerosols are majorly absorbing in nature, the latter one has both scattering and absorbing character. Out of these BC is considered as the second most global warming agent after CO2. However, the present-day awareness about these aerosols is limited. A 5-day extensive workshop was organized during Dec 4-7, 2023, on the measurement aspects of carbonaceous aerosols.
Hence on continuation to the former workshop, it is proposed to organize a 3-day modelling workshop for early carrier research fellow’s/Master students on the aspect of climate impact of carbonaceous aerosols.


The workshop is proposed to address the WRF-Chem modelling technique for studying the impact of carbonaceous aerosols. Along with basic theory of the model, major results obtained using these models on carbonaceous aerosol studies will be described. Extensive hands-on training also will be given for the participants to get used to the modelling.


This workshop would focus on key and emerging topics regarding WRF-Chem modelling of carbonaceous aerosols. The basic theory of WRF-Chem model along with major results obtained on impacts of carbonaceous aerosols will be described. The workshop themes will cover the WRF-Chem modelling aspects of carbonaceous aerosols. The format of this workshop will include lectures and extensive hands-on training on WRF-Chem.
(Organized by Development of Skilled Manpower (DESK), MoES, IITM Pune)

Sr. No Title Date and Time Venue Flyer
1 National Training Workshop On: Climate impacts of carbonaceous Aerosols and Modeling (NT-CCAM-2) 25 to 27 June 2024 IITM Pune

May 2024

Sr. No Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue & Access
1 (61th) मंचूरियन स्टेपी से अफ्रीकी वेल्ड्स तक-अमूर फाल्कन के पार-गोलार्द्ध लंबी दूरी के प्रवास में मानसून हवाओं की भूमिका"
From the Manchurian Steppe to the African Veldts - Role of monsoonal
winds in the trans-hemispheric long-distance migration of Amur Falcon"  
Dr. R. Suresh Kumar
डॉ. आर. सुरेश कुमार
Scientist - F, Wildlife Institute of India, Ministry of
Environment Forest and Climate Change, Dehradun.
14 May 2024 वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall   https://youtube.com/live/NqsMHw65uEY?feature=share


April 2024

Sr. No Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue & Access
1 (58) पूर्वोत्तर भारत में प्री-मानसून वर्षा: भारतीय मानसून सूखे की झूठी चेतावनी का संकेत
Pre-monsoon rainfall over northeast India: a signal of false alarms of Indian monsoon droughts.
बिद्युत बिकास गोस्वामी
Dr. Bidyut Bikash Goswami,
पोस्ट डॉक्टरल शोधकर्ता, विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, ऑस्ट्रिया
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Austria
02 April 2024 4.30Pm Online https://youtube.com/live/dbfUf9d3Cnw?feature=share
2 (59)   वायुमंडलीय सीमा परत और पवन फार्म प्रवाह के विश्लेषणात्मक मॉडल तथा बड़े एडी अनुकरण में सतह रुक्षता विषमांगता के प्रभावों को शामिल करना।
Incorporating Effects of Surface Roughness Heterogeneities in Large Eddy Simulations
and Analytical Models of Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Wind Farm Flows
निरंजन एस घैसास
Niranjan S. Ghaisas
मैकेनिकल और एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग विभाग, आईआईटी हैदराबाद
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad  
12 अप्रैल 2024 12 April 2024   04Pm वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall   https://youtube.com/live/Z_NZNR_whpk?feature=share
3 (60th) अतिपरवलयिक (हाइपरबोलिक) आंशिक अवकल समीकरणों हेतु अभिकलनी (कम्प्यूटेशनल) विधियांं :   द्रव गतिकी और प्लाज्मा भौतिकी की समस्याओं के लिए अनुप्रयोग Computational methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations: Applications to problems in fluid dynamics and plasma physics डॉ. आशीष भोले Dr. Ashish Bhole पोस्ट डॉक्टरल शोधकर्ता,  केटीएच रॉयल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी, स्वीडन postdoctoral researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. 24 April 2024   वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall https://youtube.com/live/d_-L_EQCBVs?feature=share

March 2024

Sr. No Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue & Access
1 (55th)   ज़मीन पर गिरने वाले तूफ़ानों की आश्चर्यजनक ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी।
Surprising thermodynamics of landfalling hurricanes
पिनाकी चक्रवर्ती
Pinaki Chakraborty
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan 1st March 2024 at 4 pm वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall https://youtube.com/live/eq-erYnkCNI?feature=share
2 (56) लैग्रेंजियन पार्टिकल ट्रैकिंग वेलोसिमेट्री का प्रयोग करके संकुचन के माध्यम से अशांत प्रवाह की उच्च गतिक वॉल्यूमेट्रिक माप।
High-Speed Volumetric Measurements of Turbulent Flow through a Contraction using Lagrangian Particle Tracking Velocimetry  
डॉ. विवेक मुगुंधन
Dr. Vivek Mugundhan
Postdoctoral Fellow, KAUST, Saudi Arabia 21 March 2024 at 4Pm वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall https://youtube.com/live/j4JHINf0IQ8?feature=share
3 (57) फसलों में गिरावट, बाढ़, तथा धूल के प्रकोप पर चुनिंदा हालिया कार्य
Selected recent works on dust outbreaks, flooding, and crop failures
डॉ. स्टीवन डोबी
Dr. Steven Dobbie
लीड्स विश्वविद्यालय, यूके University of Leeds, UK 26 th March 2024 11.30am वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall https://youtube.com/live/m8tanGlJVTM?feature=share


WRF Training Workshop (11 to 15 March)


Development of Skilled Manpower (DESK)

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology


The DESK, IITM is organizing a comprehensive one-week hands-on Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) training program at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology during the second week of March.

Duration: 11-15-March-2024


11-March (Monday)




12-March (Tuesday)




13-March (Wednesday)




14-March (Thursday)




15-March (Friday)





Venue: Meghdoot Auditorium, IITM

Target Audience: Research students, Project Scientists, and Young Scientists from diverse institutes in Pune and around 


  • Advanced WRF Understanding: Delve into the intricacies of the WRF modelling system.
  • Hands-on Simulation: Practical sessions on model setup, configuration, and execution.
  • Data Analysis: Techniques for post-processing and analysis of WRF output.
  • Real-world Applications: Explore diverse applications of WRF in tropical meteorology.

Training Modules:

  • Introduction to WRF Modeling:
  • Overview of Numerical Weather Prediction
  • Fundamentals of the WRF Model
  • Model Setup and Configuration:
  • Hands-on Session: Configuring WRF for Simulations
  • Physics Parameterizations and Options
  • Running WRF Simulations:
  • Practical Exercise: Executing WRF Simulations
  • Techniques for Analyzing WRF Output
  • Visualization Tools and Interpretation
  • Advanced Applications:
  • Case Studies on Tropical Meteorology



The training will include a combination of interactive lectures, hands-on workshops, and real-world case studies to ensure practical understanding and skill development.

Resource Person:

We are privileged to have Dr. Ramesh Vellore, Scientist-F, CCCR, IITM as the primary resource person. With over 30 years of invaluable experience in numerical modelling, Dr. Vellore brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to guide participants through advanced WRF concepts and applications.

Expected Outcomes:

Upon completion of the training program, participants will gain advanced proficiency in running and processing the WRF model for tropical meteorology research.

February 2024

Sr. No Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 (54th)   फसल ओला क्षति का आकलन करने और ओला शमन रणनीतियों को बढ़ाने के लिए क्लाउड सीडिंग ऑपरेशन को क्रियान्वित करने के लिए नवीन पद्धतियाँ
  Innovative methodologies for assessing crop hail damage & executing cloud seeding operations to enhance hail mitigation strategies" 
डॉ.तानी सत्यनारायण   Dr. Tani Satyanarayana परियोजना के वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक और समन्वयक, स्टायरिया स्टेट हेल मिटिगेशन ऑपरेशंस, ऑस्ट्रिया
  Project Senior Scientist and Coordinator, Styria State Hail Mitigation Operations, Austria.
6  Feb 2024 11:00 hrs वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall

January 2024

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue & Access link
1 (52nd) अर्ध-शुष्क पारिस्थितिकी प्रणालियों में सह-विकसित भू-आकृतियों और वनस्पति पर भौगोलिक वर्षा का प्रभाव।
Influence of Orographic Precipitation on Coevolving Landforms and Vegetation in Semi-Arid Ecosystems
अंकुर श्रीवास्तव Ankur Srivastava Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, 2007, Australia 09 Jan 2024 03 to 04 pm वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall   https://www.youtube.com/live/AbWEP1kf_KU  
2 (53th) मौसम और जलवायु मॉडल में पवन फार्मों का प्रतिनिधित्व: 20 साल की यात्रा
Representing wind farms in weather and climate models: A 20 year journey
प्रोफेसर सोमनाथ बैद्य रॉय Prof. Somnath Baidya Roy आईआईटी-दिल्ली IIT-Delhi 11 Jan 2024, 03:00-04:00 PM वराहमिहिर हॉल Varahmihira Hall   https://www.youtube.com/live/z3S0d6AghoI


December 2023

National Training Workshop On: Climate impacts of carbonaceous Aerosols and Measurements (NT-CCAM)

Date: 04 - 07 December 2023

Venue: IITM, Pune

Application closing date: 09th Nov, 2023

Application Link: https://iitmjobs.tropmet.res.in/job/workshop-nt-ccam-2023.php


कार्यशाला में कार्बनयुक्त एरोसोल (जमीन, गुब्बारे और विमान प्लेटफार्मों में) की विभिन्न माप तकनीकों, विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में उनकी सांद्रता, उनकी संरचना और विकिरण बल के संदर्भ में उनके जलवायु प्रभावों को संबोधित करने का प्रस्ताव है। कक्षाओं के साथ-साथ, विभिन्न उपकरणों और एक-आयामी मॉडल पर व्यावहारिक प्रशिक्षण भी दिया जाएगा।


The carbonaceous aerosols influence the climate by altering the earth’s radiation budget. The major carbonaceous aerosols include Elemental carbon (EC), Black carbon (BC), Brown carbon (Brc) and organic carbon (OC). While the former three aerosols are majorly absorbing in nature, the latter one has both scattering and absorbing character. Out of these BC is considered as the second most global warming agent after CO2. However, the present-day awareness about these aerosols is limited. Hence it is proposed to organize a 4-day workshop for early carrier research fellows/Master students on the aspect of climate impact of carbonaceous aerosols mainly focusing on its measurements techniques.


The workshop is proposed to address the different measurement techniques of carbonaceous aerosols (In ground, balloon and aircraft platforms), their concentration in different regions, their compositions and their climate impacts in terms of radiative forcing. Along with classes, hands on training on different equipment’s and one-dimensional radiative transfer modules will also be given.


This workshop would focus on key and emerging topics regarding physical, chemical, and radiative impacts of carbonaceous aerosols. The workshop themes will cover the measurement aspects of carbonaceous aerosols. The format of this workshop will include lectures, field visit to Mahabaleshwar HACPL laboratory training and hands on training to radiative transfer modules.

Sr. No Title Date and Time Venue Flyer
1 National Training Workshop On: Climate impacts of carbonaceous Aerosols and Measurements (NT-CCAM) 04-07 December 2023, IITM, Pune

November 2023

राष्ट्रीय वायुमंडलीय रसायन संगोष्ठी श्रृंखला

Title:: Deeper Insights into Sources and Processes Affecting Ambient Carbonaceous Aerosols using Dual Carbon Isotopes
Speaker: Dr. Neeraj Rastogi​, Physical Research Laboratory
Date: 03rd November 2023
Time: 03:00 PM

Supported by INYAS
Activity Coordinated by DESK, IITM, MoES

Please sign up on https://forms.gle/nCdSxyGSqwRjGR9b6 for the seminar link or scan the QR code.

August 2023

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 Predicting ENSO events and their regional impacts in Australia beyond a year. Dr.Sharmila Sur Hydro climate Research Scientist, The Bureau of Meteorology, Australia 07/08/2023
From 03:00 to 05:00 PM
Varahamihira Hall

July 2023

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 Lateral Gradients in Diurnal Warm Layers in the Bay of Bengal Mr. Siddhant Kerhalkar Ph.D. candidate and Distinguished Doctoral Fellow at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 11/07/2023
4 to 5 pm
Varahamihira Hall

May 2023

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 Presentation of the French National Centre for Scientific Research - CNRS to the researchers and PhD students Dr. Kaveri Srinivas Venkatesh Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) India 24/05/2023
At 11:00 AM
Varahamihira Hall

April 2023

राष्ट्रीय वायुमंडलीय रसायन संगोष्ठी श्रृंखला

Title:: Trace gases over South Asia: Present and future scope
Speaker: Dr. Manish Naja, Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital
Date: 26 April 2023
Time: 3 PM

Video: https://youtu.be/zwYlPE4Jum0

Supported by INYAS
Activity Coordinated by DESK, IITM, MoES

Please sign up on https://forms.gle/nCdSxyGSqwRjGR9b6 for the seminar link or scan the QR code.

March 2023

राष्ट्रीय वायुमंडलीय रसायन संगोष्ठी श्रृंखला

Title:: Urbanization and the carbon cycle: Current capabilities and research outlook in India
Speaker: Dr. Yogesh K. Tiwari, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
Date: 31st March 2023
Time: 15:00 hrs.

Supported by INYAS
Activity Coordinated by DESK, IITM, MoES

Video: https://youtu.be/Ko1mDbuuYpI

Please sign up on https://forms.gle/nCdSxyGSqwRjGR9b6 for the seminar link or scan the QR code.

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 Seminar on the Fulbright fellowship opportunities Ms. Suranjana Das Program Manager at USIEF (United States-India Educational Foundation), Fulbright Commission in India 17/03/2023 at 3:30 PM Aryabhatta Hall
2 Meridional SST Gradients and Intraseasonal Rainfall Variability in the Bay of Bengal Dr. Alex Kinsella Woods Hole Oceanography Institute, USA 09/03/2023 at 4:00 PM Varahamihira Hall

February 2023

राष्ट्रीय वायुमंडलीय रसायन संगोष्ठी श्रृंखला

Title:: Interdependence of aerosols and climate - chemistry, forcing and feedback
Speaker: Prof. Chandra Venkataraman, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Date: 24th February 2023
Time: 15:00 hrs.

Supported by INYAS
Activity Coordinated by DESK, IITM, MoES

Video: https://youtu.be/jQAFX3-frn4

Please sign up on https://forms.gle/nCdSxyGSqwRjGR9b6 for the seminar link or scan the QR code.

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 WCSSP Annual Science Meeting Dr. Tim Graham,UKMO
Prof. Andy Turner, UK-Reading
Dr. Akshay Deoras, UK-MO
Dr. Kieran Hunt, UK-MO
Dr. Richard Keane, UK-MO
Dr. Bernie Claxton, UK-MO
IITM & UK-MO 23-24/02/2023, 09:00 - 06:00 PM HPC Conference Room
2 Inclusion of Biology in Climate Change Modeling Prof. Pavel Kabat The Secretary General of the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization and former Director General of IIASA, Austria and former Chief Scientist of WMO 17/02/2023 at 11:00 AM Varahamihira Hall
3 Space Weather Science & its effect on Societal Applications Prof. D. Pallamraju Senior Professor and Dean, PRL 13/02/2023 at 4:30 PM Varahamihira Hall
4 National Training workshop on fundamentals of Data Assimilation (NTDA-2) Prof. Laxmivarahan George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus, School of Computer science, University of Oklahoma, USA 06 to 10/02/2023 Aryabhatta Hall

January 2023

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue Access
1 Atmospheric observations of new particle formation in India Dr. Vijay Kanawade Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences University of Hyderabad (an Institution of Eminence) 25/01/2023 From 03:00 to 04:00 PM Varahamihira Hall, IITM Pune https://youtu.be/1v2Uc1sGZAY

National Training Workshop On: Paleoclimate- Archives, Proxies and Analysis/ Measurement Techniques (NT-PALEO 2023)
राष्ट्रीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला: पेलियोक्लाइमेट अभिलेखागार-प्रॉक्सी और विश्लेषण/माप तकनीक
Organized By Development of Skilled Manpower (DESK), MoES, IITM Pune

Date: 16 - 20 January 2023
Venue: IITM, Pune

Day-1 (16/01/2023 ):-  https://youtu.be/z_yo8GWjlZs

Day-2 (17/01/2023 ):-  https://youtu.be/o74MO_S7-5s

Day-3 (18/01/2023 ):-  https://youtu.be/HfTISxqkgT4

Day-4 (19/01/2023 ):-  https://youtu.be/8qAxCso324Y

Final list of shortlisted candidates for NT-PALEO 2023

Instruction to participants

Application closing date: 10th Dec, 2022
Participation: Final year Masters Students and early years (up to 2nd year) of PhD
Application Link: https://iitmjobs.tropmet.res.in/job/workshop-nt-paleo-2023.php
For any query, contact: "Desk Training" desk_training@tropmet.res.in

The need and potential to study the climatic changes witnessed in the Indian subcontinent over the Quaternary period is known, understood and felt by common man, scientists/researchers and the government. The workshop will address the full array of paleoclimate research key to the broader scientific questions related to climatic changes during the Quaternary period. Recognizing that the physical, chemical and geological processes governing the Quaternary time frame are highly interconnected, the workshop will address advanced observational techniques, proxies, dating methods, and statistical tools. This workshop will give a hands on training along with the lectures from experts. Lectures will be on stable isotopes, dating methods, biomarkers, paleobiology, dendroclimatology, speleothem, environmental magnetism, pollens, and statistical methods & software/model packages. The workshop will also address the emerging areas and scope for future aspects.
The training workshop aims to build a pool of talented and trained young researchers in the field of Paleoclimate for the development and progress of paleoclimate research in India. The broad objective of the workshop is to assemble leading experts in the paleoclimate field and arrange an interaction with young students pursuing their master’s or Ph.D. It will provide a forum to discuss scientific issues and advancements related to Quaternary research. The ultimate aim is to transfer the knowledge to young students to ascent the Quaternary research in India. The workshop would involve leading scientists/experts from IITM, IIT-Bombay, PRL, IISER, Agharkar Research Institute, SPPU, Pune, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, and National centre for ocean and Polar Research, Goa, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeociences (BSIP), Lucknow, and the Cluster University of Jammu.

This workshop would focus on key and emerging topics regarding physical, chemical, and geological processes governing the climatic variations in Quaternary. The workshop themes will be land and aquatic proxies and related measurement techniques. It will also touch upon the recent advances in statistical methods and software packages. The format of this workshop will include lectures, laboratory training, and fieldwork.

MRFP Batch-III Farewell program

A total of 12 students joined under MoES Research Fellow Program Batch 2022 in October 2022. These fellows are going to join their respective host institute in January 2023. Following are few photos of farewell given to them on January 13, 2023, at IITM, Pune.


December 2022

IMS IITM National seminar

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue Access
1 IMS IITM National seminar on Development of NOAA’s Community-based Coupled Unified Forecast System (UFS) for Research and Operations - Current Status and Future Plans Dr. Vijay Tallapragada Senior Scientist (ST) & Chief of Modeling and Data Assimilation Branch NCEP Environmental Modeling Center NOAA National Weather Service, College Park, MD, USA. 22/12/2022 From 04:00 to 05:00 PM Meghdoot Audiotrium, IITM Pune https://youtu.be/L3j7s7_btp8
Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Venue
1 Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) Prof. Bernard Legras Directeur de Recherche CNRS (DRCE2) at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/ IPSL (UMR CNRS 8539, ENS-PSL ,Sorbonne Université , Ecole Polytechnique) 02/12/2022 at 11:00 AM Varhamihir Hall, IITM Pune

November 2022

A Special Lecture series on Atmospheric/Monsoon Dynamics has been arranged on the following specific topics.

  1. 1) Discovery of Neutral Rossby Waves
  2. 2) Necessity of Instability Theories
  3. 3) Breaks in Monsoons.

Speaker: Prof. Dr VB Rao,  Emeritus Scientist INPE Brazil and Honourary Professor Andhra University

Dates and Time: 14th, 16th and 18th Nov 2022 (Monday, Wed and Friday) 03:00-04:30 PM

Venue: Aryabhata Hall, IITM

Participants: Recommended for all PhD students

Each lecture will be followed by an interaction session between the speaker and students/scientists.

October 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
21 Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth? Dr. Rachel Albrecht University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 20/10/2022 https://youtu.be/-eJ8Lcyrtlw
  • Twenty-First Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title: Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth?
    Speaker: Dr. Rachel Albrecht, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Date: 20-October-2022, 16:30 IST (11 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/-eJ8Lcyrtlw

September 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
20 Theory of In-Cloud Activation and Microphysical Quasi Equilibrium in Deep Ascent Dr. Vaughan Phillips Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden 09/09/2022 https://youtu.be/e-N2rMwrziY
  • Twentieth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title: Theory of In-Cloud Activation and Microphysical Quasi Equilibrium in Deep Ascent
    Speaker: Dr. Vaughan Phillips, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden
    Date: 09-September-2022, 16:30 IST (11 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/e-N2rMwrziY

National Training workshop on fundamentals of Data Assimilation (NTDA)

Development of skilled manpower in earth system science (DESK)-Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) is conducting a National Training workshop on fundamentals of Data Assimilation (NTDA) from 09-21 September 2022, at DESK-IITM, Pune.

Application link is https://iitmjobs.tropmet.res.in/job/workshop-ntda-2022.php

Schedule : 09-21 September 2022

Last date for submission of application is 25 August 2022 05 PM

For any query, contact: "Desk Training" desk_training@tropmet.res.in

(This lecture series is targeted for participants in the later stage of their degree in Atmospheric/Oceanic and allied sciences, PhD scholars, early career scientists, and professors.)

Shortlisted Applicants for the participation of the National Training Workshop on Fundamentals of Data Assimilation (NTDA) 09-21 Sep 2022 at IITM. Instructions to participants Program Schedule How to reach

August 2022

Special Lecture Series on "Spectral, Finite Element and Semi-Lagrangian Modeling"

Instructor: Dr Ramesh Vellore, Scientist-F, Center for Climate Change Research (CCCR), IITM, Pune

Schedule: 08-24 Aug 2022 (Except on National and IITM-Closed Holidays)

Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Venue: Varahamihira Hall, IITM, Pune


1. Brief introduction to numerical approaches used in weather/climate modeling

2. Application of Finite difference approach - brief - merits/demerits

3. Application of Galerkin methods in weather modeling

4. Strong and Weak formulations for solutions 

5. Spectral approach 

6. Finite element approach

7. Application of Semi-Lagrangian approach in weather modeling

Last date of applicaiton: 05-Aug-2022 12:00 PM.

Shortlisting of a suitable number of participants will be made after the review of applications.   Applicants should ensure they have taken necessary consent of their guides/program heads, whichever applicable, for attending the lecture series.

For any query, contact: "Desk Training" desk_training@tropmet.res.in

(This lecture series is targetted for participants from IITM, IMD-Pune, SPPU and locally from Pune those who can attend the lectures by visiting IITM on day to day basis)

June 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
18 Super-Droplet Method and its Application to Mixed-Phase Clouds Dr. Shin-ichiro Shima Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo 02/06/2022 https://youtu.be/TNkbv9tYt8Q
19 Microphysics of droplets in an airstream Prof. Kirti Chandra Sahu Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Sangareddy, Telangana 502 284, India 23/06/2022 https://youtu.be/5ldhLlWNvBY
  • Eighteenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Super-Droplet Method and its Application to Mixed-Phase Clouds
    Speaker: Dr. Shin-ichiro Shima, Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo
    Date: 02-June-2022, 11:00-12:30 IST (5:30-7:00 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/TNkbv9tYt8Q

  • Nineteenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title: Microphysics of droplets in an airstream
    Speaker: Prof. Kirti Chandra Sahu, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Sangareddy, Telangana 502 284, India
    Date: 23-June-2022, 11:00 IST (5:30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/5ldhLlWNvBY

May 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
16 Morphological and Microphysical Properties of Monsoon Precipitation Systems over the Northeastern and Eastern part of India Prof. Sanjay Sharma Department of Physics, Kohima Science College, (Autonomous), Kohima, Nagaland 04/05/2022 https://youtu.be/RPvY_yWl_g4
17 Implementation and testing of a double moment cloud microphysics in UK Met Office regional Numerical Weather Prediction Prof. Paul Field UK Met Office & University of Leeds 23/05/2022 https://youtu.be/cE1P7iq3W-Y
  • Sixteenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Morphological and Microphysical Properties of Monsoon Precipitation Systems over the Northeastern and Eastern part of India
    Speaker: Prof. Sanjay Sharma, Department of Physics, Kohima Science College, (Autonomous), Kohima, Nagaland
    Date: 04-May-2022, 11 IST (05:30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/RPvY_yWl_g4

  • Seventeenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Implementation and testing of a double moment cloud microphysics in UK Met Office regional Numerical Weather Prediction
    Speaker: Prof. Paul Field, UK Met Office & University of Leeds
    Date: 23-May-2022, 16:30 IST (11 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/cE1P7iq3W-Y

Workshop on following:

Sr. No. Title Date & Time
1 AI/ML virtual training workshop 09th - 10th May 2022

April 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
15 Precise Mathematical Pattern Underlying Cloud Formation in Chaotic Atmospheric Flows Dr. A. Mary Selvam Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune 07/04/2022 https://youtu.be/HFdUSgJzhH0
  • Fifteenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Precise Mathematical Pattern Underlying Cloud Formation in Chaotic Atmospheric Flows
    Speaker: Dr. A. Mary Selvam, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
    Date: 7-April-2022, 11 IST (05:30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/QbUETxzR5iQ

March 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
14 Ice nucleating particles in the atmosphere Dr. Heike Wex Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany 16/03/2022 https://youtu.be/HFdUSgJzhH0
  • Fourteenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Ice nucleating particles in the atmosphere
    Speaker: Dr. Heike Wex, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany
    Date: 16-March-2022, 14:30 IST (9 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/HFdUSgJzhH0

February 2022

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access
12 Understanding and modeling aerosol impacts on convective clouds and precipitation Dr. Jiwen Fan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) , USA 16/02/2022 https://youtu.be/859Mn9ns3z8
13 Formation of microphysical structure of convective clouds by internal cloud vortex dynamics Prof. Alexander Khain The Institute of the Earth Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 24/02/2022 https://youtu.be/Efi9SVhHk7o
  • Twelfth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Understanding and modeling aerosol impacts on convective clouds and precipitation
    Speaker: Dr. Jiwen Fan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) , USA
    Date: 16-February-2022, 11:30AM IST (06 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/859Mn9ns3z8
  • Thirteenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Formation of microphysical structure of convective clouds by internal cloud vortex dynamics
    Speaker: Professor Alexander Khain, The Institute of the Earth Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Date: 24-February-2022, 5:30 PM IST (12 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/859Mn9ns3z8

December 2021

National (Training) Workshop on Greenhouse Gases (GHG-3):
Observations and Inverse Modeling on Indian Regional Perspective
(Virtual Workshop) Between 14-17 Dec 2021

This workshop is intended to provide a venue to unify researchers from various scientific communities and share their information on the observational front.

In addition, a growing number of inverse modeling efforts from India is on an upraise in the recent past.

The workshop will serve as the venue to present and share the knowledge on the regional inversion aspects of Indian greenhouse gas fluxes, methodologies adopted.

A selected pool of students and early career researchers will be trained with few hands-on organized by the experts in the field.

Click here for more details

Click here for flyer

Scientific Steering Committee

1. Dr. Prabir Patra, JAMSTEC, Japan(Advisor and Chair)

2. Dr. Yogesh Tiwari, IITM

3. Dr. Siji Kumar, SPL, VSSC, ISRO

4. Prof. Dhanya Pillai, IISER-Bhopal

5. Dr. VinuValsala, IITM

6. Dr. Ravikumar K., IIT-Delhi

7. Prof. Punyasloka Bhaduri, IISER-Kolkata

8. Dr. Mehul Pandya, SAC, ISRO

9. Dr. V. K. Soni, IMD

10. Dr. Supriyo Chakraborty, IITM

11. Prof. Vinayak Sinha, IISER-Mohali

December 2021

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access


Interactions of cloud electrification with its microphysics

Dr A. K. Kamra

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, India




Analytical Formulations for quantifying monsoonal rain amounts with biometeorological applications over the built environment

Prof. Satyajit Ghosh

Vellore Institute of Technology India and School of Earth and Environment Leeds University UK




Emerging Trends in Synergetic Approaches for Remote Sensing of Clouds

Dr. Karanam Kishore Kumar

Space Physics Laboratory Vikram sarabhai Space Centre Trivandrum




  • Ninth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Interactions of cloud electrification with its microphysics
    Speaker: Dr A. K. Kamra , Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, India
    Date: 16-December-2021, 04:00 PM IST (10.30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/g_5oNNsDTPc

  • Tenth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Analytical Formulations for quantifying monsoonal rain amounts with biometeorological applications over the built environment
    Speaker: Prof. Satyajit Ghosh , Vellore Institute of Technology India and School of Earth and Environment Leeds University UK
    Date: 21-December-2021, 4.00 PM IST (10:30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/TNpMZPyCJSc

  • Eleventh Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Emerging Trends in Synergetic Approaches for Remote Sensing of Clouds
    Speaker: Dr. Karanam Kishore Kumar , Space Physics Laboratory Vikram sarabhai Space Centre Trivandrum
    Date: 22-December-2021, 11:00AM-12:00PM (05:30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/F24ReqGqdrg

November 2021

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access


Autonomous, Instrumented, unmanned aircraft systems designed for cloud seeding operations.

Darrel G Baumgardner

Droplet Measurement TEchnologies




Modeling of cloud dynamics and microphysics

Wojciech Grabowski





Mechanisms of secondary ice production, observations and laboratory studies.

Dr. Alexei Korolev

Environment and Climate Change Canada




Aerosol-cloud effective radiative forcing

Prof. Johannes Quaas

Leipzig University, Germany




Use of In-situ Cloud Microphysical Observations for Quantifying Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties and Processes, and their Uncertainties

Prof. Greg McFarquhar

University of Oklahoma




  • Fourth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Autonomous, Instrumented, unmanned aircraft systems
    Speaker: Darrel G Baumgardner , Droplet Measurement TEchnologies
    Date: 08-November-2021, 06:30 PM IST (1300 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/-ClA8PCyOgE
  • Fifth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Modeling of cloud dynamics and microphysics
    Speaker: Wojciech Grabowski , NCAR
    Date: 09-November-2021, 05:30 PM IST (1200 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/Aft1Y0ZXPVY
  • Sixth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Mechanisms of secondary ice production, observations and laboratory studies.
    Speaker: Dr. Alexei Korolev , Environment and Climate Change Canada
    Date: 15-November-2021, 05:30 PM IST (1200 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/7gP56TLjC1I
  • Seventh Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title: Aerosol-cloud effective radiative forcing
    Speaker: Prof. Johannes Quaas , Leipzig University, Germany
    Date: 18-November-2021, 04:00 PM IST (10.30 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/FJK87YxLX_I
  • Eighth Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Use of In-situ Cloud Microphysical Observations for Quantifying Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties and Processes, and their Uncertainties
    Speaker: Prof. Greg McFarquhar , University of Oklahoma
    Date: 18-November-2021, 05:30 PM IST (1200 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/dFPet_euPb8

October 2021

Virtual lecture series ( Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)

Sr. No. Title Speaker Affiliation Date Access


Aerosol activation and warm cloud microphysics

Prof. Andrea Folssmann

Université Clermont Auvergne, Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique, Clermont-Ferrand, France 




The Ice Phase: From Observations in Clouds and at the Surface 

Dr. Andrew Heymsfield

Senior Scientist, National centre for Atmospheric Research, USA




Turbulence, droplet collisions and growth

Prof. Rama Govindarajan

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR




  • First Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Aerosol activation and warm cloud microphysics
    Speaker: Prof. Andrea Folssmann , Université Clermont Auvergne, Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique, Clermont-Ferrand, France 
    Date: 11-October-2021, 05:30 PM IST (1200 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/d6NMtNgu6Dw

  • Second Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:The Ice Phase: From Observations in Clouds and at the Surface
    Speaker: Dr. Andrew Heymsfield , Senior Scientist National centre for Atmospheric Research, USA
    Date: 12-October-2021, 05:30 PM IST (1200 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/_yOE_002W_M

  • Third Virtual lecture (Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics)
    Title:Turbulence, droplet collisions and growth
    Speaker: Prof. Rama Govindarajan , International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR
    Date: 15-October-2021, 05:30 PM IST (1200 UTC)
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/ATTYrH7Npqo


MoES Webinar Series October 2021:








Climate change and monsoon projections: Challenges and Opportunities

Scientist-G, Executive Director, Centre for Climate Change Research Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune

Dr. Krishnan Raghavan



  • Forty-first Live Talk: Climate change and monsoon projections: Challenges and Opportunities
    Speaker: Dr. Krishnan Raghavan, Scientist-G, Executive Director, Centre for Climate Change Research Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (MoES National Awardee
    Date: 01-October-2021, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/u_CuDyXggv8

Virtual lecture series

Cloud and Precipitation Physics and


About lecture series:

Indian Institute of Meteorology (IITM), Pune, is organizing a virtual lecture series on Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics. The lecture series aims to understand cloud and precipitation processes through the latest state-of-the-art approaches to observe, simulate, and identify key uncertainties associated with aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. The lectures will be delivered by some of the world's leading and renowned scientists. Registered attendees will have an opportunity to interact with the speakers.


Topics covered in the series:

Introduction to cloud physics, Aerosol microphysics,  Aerosol-radiation   interaction,   Aerosol-cloud   interaction,   Rain    microphysics,   Primary  ice  nucleation,  Secondary  ice  formation,  mixed-phase cloud  and climate,  Entrainment  and  mixing  in  clouds,  Observing  clouds  in  situ:  opportunities  and challenges, Ground-based remote sensing of clouds with passive instruments, physics of clouds from radar observations, Boundary layer turbulence and clouds: theoretical and experimental studies, Explicit modelling of clouds, Large-eddy simulations and application in cloud physics, Direct  numerical  simulations  and  application  in  cloud  physics,  Clouds  in  a  laboratory, Outstanding problems in cloud physics, Monsoon clouds and their structure,  Parameterizing  the  cloud  microphysics,  Principles  of  thunderstorm  and  lightning physics, The physics of clouds in a weather and climate model, application of cloud physics: severe weather, lightning, Weather modification, etc.


Date and Time:

Started in October 2021 and continuing.

Lectures will be once in 2 weeeks. The dates and times of each lecture will be updated on the website. Lectures are for 40 minutes and followed by a 30 minute discussion.


Who can attend:

The series is targeted towards a broad range of attendees, including graduate students, early-career scientists. Basic college-level background in physics and mathematics is expected.



Registration: Free.

Required only for those interested in discussions with speakers.

Maximum number of registered participants: 100

Registration policy: On a first-come basis

If you like to participate in the lecture series please use this participant link. Your email address will be used to intimate you on the upcoming lecture series.



Confirmed Speakers:

  • Prof. Andy Heymsfield, NCAR USA
  • Prof. Wojtek Grabowski, NCAR, USA
  • Prof. Andrea Flossmann, University Clermont Auvergne in Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Dr. Darrel Baumgarder, DMT, USA
  • Dr. Greg McFarquhar, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Prof. Alexander Khain, HUJi, Israel
  • Prof. G. S. Bhat, IISc, India
  • Dr. Paul Field, UK met office, UK
  • Dr. Duncan Axisa, SIO, USA
  • Dr. Ilan Koren, Weismann Institute, Israel
  • Dr. Jiwen Fan, PNNL, USA
  • Dr. Heike Wex, Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Germany
  • Dr. JohannesQuass, University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Dr. Rama Govindarajan, ICTS, India
  • Dr. Alexei Korolev, Environment and Climate Change, Canada


Please visit the website "Virtual Lecture Series on Cloud and Precipitation Physics and Dynamics" for speaker updates and other information.


If you are interested to participate as a speaker in these lecture series kindly give us information in this speaker link


Contact email: iccp2020@tropmet.res.in (PDF copy of the program)

September 2021

MoES Webinar Series September 2021:








Advanced seismic tools for imaging & interpretation of subsurface features from surface data: Application to Indian Provinces

Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun

Dr Kalachand Sain


  • Fortieth Live Talk: Advanced seismic tools for imaging & interpretation of subsurface features from surface data: Application to Indian Provinces
    Speaker: Dr Kalachand Sain, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
    Date: 07-September-2021, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/foMbLrlXsWM

August 2021

MoES Webinar Series August 2021:








Understanding dynamics and thermodynamics of the North Indian Ocean: Major strides since Independence and challenges ahead

National Institute of Oceanography, Goa

Dr. Satish R. Shetye



  • Thirty-Ninth Live Talk: Understanding dynamics and thermodynamics of the North Indian Ocean: Major strides since Independence and challenges ahead
    Speaker: Dr. Satish R Shetye, Former Director, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, Former VC, Goa University, (Life Time Excellence Awardee, MoES -2021) 
    Date: 16-August-2021, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/fRjCQx0CCCw

February 2021

Online training in AI/ML for atmosphere-ocean applications for beginners: 15th Feb 2021 to 19th Feb 2021

ML has been used in atmospheric and oceanic sciences for decades, but it is undergoing a rapid paradigm shift. This shift is driven by three factors- bigger datasets, an increase in computing resources and hardware architecture, and novel deep learning methods. It has been used in the past for post-processing of physical models, clustering, dimensionality reduction, etc. There is an emerging focus on physics guided ML methods too. Thus, this is an application with vast scope in this field in all time and space scales. In such a scenario a series of training from beginner to expert level is required for the students and young scientists of the country.

Considering the huge importance of AI/ML, DESK, DESK-IITM is organizing an 'An online training in AI/ML for atmosphere-ocean applications for beginners’ from 15th Feb 2021 To 19th Feb 2021. This will be lecture cum hands-on training and is aimed at students and young scientists in MoES institutes and other academic institutions across the country (Only for National Participants). This will be the first one of the series of training on this topic and will be followed by more such training sessions in the future. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, this activity will be completely virtual.

Course Description

Machine Learning and its sub-branches such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, non-linear methods have led to important advances in various fields of science. In this course, we cover all the basic aspects of machine learning which can be useful for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Desirable Pre-requisites:

Experience with meteorological data, familiarity with geospatial data analysis and plots, Python

Link detail as below:

Last Date of application: 06th Feb 2021.

January 2021

DESK successfully completed 3 days training program "Assessment of Climate Change and its impacts over the Indian region- RCP 4.5 Scenario" with FARMBRIDGE FOUNDATION- Bharuch Gujrat on 21st Jan 2021.

Total 8 classes were conducted by 5 Faculty members consisting members from IITM, CRIDA and IMD-Pune from 19th January 2021 to 21st January 2021. Details for training Program as below.

  1. Climate projections under RCP - 4.5,6 and 8.5 scenario and Difference between global and regional climate projection, Regional climate change projection for India by Dr.Sabin T P
  2. Extremes and its prediction (drought, temperature extremes, excess and high intensity rainfall, less rainy days, intermittent dry spell, rains during harvesting period by Mr.Raju Mandal.
  3. Soil moisture, land surface change and climate and Introduction to climate change report by Dr.Milind Mujumdar.
  4. Impact on Climate change on Crops by Dr. AVM Subba Rao ( CRIDA
  5. 'Management of Climate Risk in Agriculture using Extended range forecast from Dr.Kripan Ghosh.

November 2020

MoES Webinar Series:








A Technique for Estimating Liquid Droplet Diameter and Liquid Water Content in Stratocumulus Clouds Using Radar and Lidar Measurements

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, USA

Dr. Jothiram Vivekanandan, Senior Scientist, Earth Observing Laboratory



October 2020

MoES Webinar Series:








IMDAA Regional Reanalysis, NGFS Global Reanalysis and Reanalysis Data Services at NCMRWF


Dr. John P. George,
Dr. V. S. Prasad,
Mr. T. Arulalan



September 2020

MoES Webinar Series:








Nitrogen Cycling in the northern Indian Ocean

PRL, Ahmedabad

Arvind Singh




Growth of Ocean Technology in India


Dr M. A. Atmanand




Surface impurities in the Himalayan Glacier: Its sources, pathways, and spatial variation

IIT, Kanpur

Dr. Indra Sekhar Sen




Marine Microbial diversity: implications for population connectivity and ecosystem functioning

CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, INDIA

Dr. Lidita Khandeparker




Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India


Dr Suresh Babu



August 2020

MoES Webinar Series:







31 Ocean observations by India: a brief history, present status and future directions NCPOR, Goa Dr M. Ravichandran 27/08/2020 https://youtu.be/tenOdC2FD6g
30 Kimberlites, related rocks and Diamonds: Mysteries of the Earth’s Mantle BHU, Varanasi Prof N V Chalapathi Rao 25/08/2020 https://youtu.be/eoAkM2g6bko
29 Human impact on modification of biogeochemical processes in the seas around India NIO, Vishakhapattnam Dr V V S S Sarma 20/08/2020 https://youtu.be/zbgHIL42pJA
28 Modern Indian Biodiversity: The Geological Past Professor Emeritus, Punjab University Prof Ashok Sahni 18/08/2020 https://youtu.be/jLGqj0Ordoc


Paleoclimatic study of the Indian summer monsoon variability


Dr Supriyo Chakraborty




Understanding the basic concept of Seismology, Awareness regarding the techniques and Institutional Mechanism setup for monitoring of Seismic Activities of the Country


Dr. A. P. Singh




50 years of Agro Advisory Services of IMD: In support of Farmers


Dr. Kamaljit Ray




July 2020

MoES Webinar Series:









Floods and Droughts- Basic Science and Predictions


Dr A.K. Sahai




Basics of Numerical Weather Prediction and DA


Dr. Abhijit Sarkar




Marine Living Resources


Dr   G V M Gupta




Indian Arctic Program


Dr. M Ravichandran




Ground water – Basics


Dr Suresh Babu



Climate Science & Earth System Modelling


Dr. R. Krishnan




Ocean Thermal Desalination, a success story


Dr. Purnima Jalihal




Ocean Information Services to Society and Industry


Dr Balakrishnan Nair




Climate Services for Society


Dr. D. S. Pai




June 2020

MoES Webinar Series:








Thunderstorms, Dust storms and Lightning


Dr. Soma Senroy




Physics of Precipitation- How rain occurs


Dr. Thara




Monsoon variability, teleconnections and Prediction


Dr. Gnanaseelan




Geoscience- Basics


Dr.  Nandakumar




Tropical Cyclone-Basics, Dynamics and Prediction


Dr. M. Mohapatra




Basics of Weather Forecasting- Including Observations


Dr. Somenath Dutta




Enhancing Resilience to Erosion and Flooding in Coastal Areas


Dr. M. V. Ramana Murthy




Cloud Physics- How clouds form


Dr. Pandithurai




Antarctica- Past and Present                      


Dr. Rahul Mohan




May 2020

MoES Webinar Series:









Himalayan Glaciers in a changing climate


Dr. Thamban Meloth


12:00-01:00 pm IST



Technology Development for the exploration and harvesting of deep ocean minerals


Dr. G. A. Ramadass


12:00-01:00 pm IST



Basics of Monsoon


Dr. Ravi S. Nanjundiah


12:00-01:00 pm IST



Sustaining the Ocean Observations           


Dr. R. Venkatesan


12:00-01:00 pm IST



Tsunami- basics and warning system


Dr. S. C. Shenoi


12:00-01:00 pm IST



Air Pollution and Covid-19


Prof (Dr.) Gufran Beig


12:00-01:00 pm IST



Oceans- the give and take


Dr. M. A. Atmanand


12:00-01:00 pm IST



  • Thirty-Eighth Live Talk: A Technique for Estimating Liquid Droplet Diameter and Liquid Water Content in Stratocumulus Clouds Using Radar and Lidar Measurements
    Speaker: Dr. Jothiram Vivekanandan, Senior Scientist,  Earth Observing Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, USA
    Date: 24-November-2020, 11:00 AM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/UrYRS3ATojk

  • Thirty-Seventh Live Talk: IMDAA Regional Reanalysis, NGFS Global Reanalysis and Reanalysis Data Services at NCMRWF
    Speaker: Dr. John P. George, Dr. V. S. Prasad, and Mr. T. Arulalan, Scientists  at NCMRWF, Ministry of Earth Sciences (Government of India)
    Date: 15-October-2020, 11:00-12:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/yWWrqyMwguY

  • Thirty-Sixth Live Talk: Nitrogen Cycling in the northern Indian Ocean
    Speaker: Arvind Singh, Associate Professor, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
    Date: 15-September-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/kIR_WdhDGjA

  • Thirty-fifth Live Talk: Growth of Ocean Technology in India
    Speaker: Dr. M. A. Atmanand, Director, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, India
    Date: 10-September-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/O6lKhj1wJQ8

  • Thirty-fourth Live Talk: Surface impurities in the Himalayan Glacier: Its sources, pathways, and spatial variation
    Speaker: Dr. Indra Sekhar Sen, Assistant Professor, IIT, Kanpur
    Date: 08-September-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/Lt0L_nCgDiE

  • Thirty-third Live Talk: Marine Microbial diversity: implications for population connectivity and ecosystem functioning
    Speaker: Dr. Lidita Khandeparker, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, INDIA
    Date: 03-September-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/sf2KuQIHL3Y

  • Thirty-second Live Talk: Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India
    Speaker: Dr. S. Suresh Babu (Head, Aerosols Trace Gases and Radiative Forcing Branch, Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO)
    Date: 01-September-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/yWO67Xo4Z-E

  • Thirty-First live Talk: Ocean observations by India: a brief history, present status and future directions
    Speaker: Dr. M. Ravichandran, Director, NCPOR, Goa
    Date: 27-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/tenOdC2FD6g

  • Thirtieth Live Talk: Kimberlites, related rocks, and Diamonds: Mysteries of the Earth's Mantle
    Speaker: Prof. N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Professor, Department of Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
    Date: 25-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/eoAkM2g6bko

  • Twenty-Ninth Live Talk: Human impact on modification of biogeochemical processes in the seas around India
    Speaker: Dr. V.V.S.S. Sarma, Senior Principal Scientist and Professor, NIO, Vishakhapattnam
    Date: 20-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/zbgHIL42pJA

  • Twenty-Eighth Live Talk: Modern Indian Biodiversity: The Geological Past
    Speaker: Prof. Ashok Sahni, Emeritus Professor, Panjab University (MoES National Award Winner (2020), Life Time Excellence Award)
    Date: 18-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/jLGqj0Ordoc

  • Twenty-Seventh Live Talk: Paleoclimatic study of the Indian summer monsoon variability
    Speaker: Dr. Supriyo Chakraborty, Scientist-F, IITM, Pune
    Date: 11-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/mVCaIhZzSDg

  • Twenty-Sixth Live Talk: Understanding the basic concept of Seismology, Awareness regarding the techniques and Institutional Mechanism setup for monitoring of Seismic Activities of the Country
    Speaker: Dr. A.P.Singh, Scientist E, National Center for Seismology
    Date: 06-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/_ePDV0n5XqY

  • Twenty-fifth Live Talk: 50 years of Agro Advisory Services of IMD: In support of Farmers
    Speaker: Dr. Kamaljit Ray, Advisor/Sc-G  Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi
    Date: 04-August-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Join Ushttps://youtu.be/UfEz-ErmEvg

  • Twenty-fourth Live Talk: Floods & Droughts: Basic Science and Predictions
    Speaker: Dr. A. K. Sahai, Scientist G, IITM Pune
    Date: 30-July-2020, 12.00-01.00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/pZPbTmdo4LQ

  • Twenty-third Live Talk: Basics of Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation
    Speaker: Dr. Abhijit Sarkar, NCMRWF
    Date: 28-July-2020, 12.00-01.00 PM IST
    Join Us: https://youtu.be/IqAjt0hG3rw

  • Twenty-second talk: Marine Ecosystem and Living Resources in India
    Speaker: Dr. G.V.M. Gupta, Scientist-F, CMLRE
    Date: 21-July-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/WRTJuaUcUZs

  • Twenty-first talk : Indian Arctic Program
    Speaker : Dr. M. Ravichandran, Director, NCPOR
    Date: 21-July-2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/KtOvYM7DcZQ

  • Twentieth Talk: Ground Water Science and Societal Implications
    Speaker: Dr. D.S. Suresh Babu, Scientist-F, NCESS, MoES, Thiruvananthapuram
    Date: 14 Jul 2020, 12:00-01:00 PM IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/HrtdKWwY_1w

  • Nineteenth Talk: Ocean Thermal Desalination - A Success Story
    Speaker: Dr. Purnima Jalihal, Scientist-G and Head, Energy and Fresh Water, NIOT
    Date: 09-July-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/BZWB7FwWqek

  • Eighteenth Talk: Ocean Information Services to Society and Industry
    Speaker: Dr. T. M. Balakrishnan Nair, Director (I/C), Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad
    Date: 07-July-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/BiUweOT6d2Q

  • Seventeenth Talk: Climate Services for Society
    Speaker: Dr. D. Sivananda Pai, Scientist F & Head, Office of Climate Research & Services, IMD, Pune
    Date: 02-July-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/XIXbUJNErnE

  • Sixteenth Talk: Thunderstorms, Dust storms and Lightning
    Speaker: Dr. Soma Sen Roy, Scientist F, India Meteorological Department, MoES.
    Date: 30-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/Oc2iGnUpDrI

  • Fifteenth Talk: Physics of Precipitation, How rain occurs
    Speaker: Thara Prabhakaran, Scientist F and Project Director CAIPEEX, IITM
    Date: 25-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/8Ua4B0xMJuQ

  • Fourteenth Talk: Monsoon Variability, Teleconnection and Prediction
    Speaker: Dr. C. Gnanaseelan, Scientist-F & Project Director (Short Term Climate Variability & Prediction), IITM
    Date: 23-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/vYItvR4PfMs

  • Thirteenth Talk: Geoscience- Basics
    Speaker: Dr. V. Nandakumar, Director-Incharge, NCESS
    Date: 18-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/N6jexqtX2Ls

  • Twelfth Talk: Tropical Cyclone-Basics, Dynamics and Prediction
    Speaker: Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department
    Date: 16-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/Rfk1GyQW2nE

  • Eleventh Talk: Basics of weather forecasting including observation
    Speaker: Dr. Somenath Dutta, Scientist-F, India Meteorological Department
    Date: 11-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/S5LXq2j48kk

  • Tenth Talk: Enhancing Resilience to Erosion and Flooding in Coastal Areas 
    Speaker: Dr. M. V. Ramana Murthy (Director, National Centre for Coastal Research ( NCCR), Director in-charge, Centre for Marine Living Resources (CMLRE), Project Director, Island Desalination and Coastal Engineering, NIOT)
    Date: 09-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/DS4BEjkZ9vM

  • Ninth Talk: Cloud Physics: How clouds form
    Speaker: Dr. G. Pandithurai, Scientist-F & Project Director, IITM, Pune
    Date: 04-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/sfZAIKEnzdM


  • Eighth Talk: Antarctica- Past and Present
    Speaker: Dr. Rahul Mohan, Scientist F and Group Director (International Cooperation and Outreach), NCPOR
    Date: 02-June-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/t5ZnAQNPL3E


  • Seventh Talk: Himalayan glaciers in a changing climate
    Speaker: Dr. Thamban Meloth, Scientist – F & Group Director (Polar Sciences), NCPOR
    Date: 28-May-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/ol5kqI2CdLc


  • Sixth Talk: Technology Development for the exploration and harvesting of deep ocean minerals
    Speaker: Dr. G A Ramadass, Scientist G, Head, Deep Sea Technologies Group, NIOT
    Date: 26-May-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/ZERaHzHatNk

  • Fifth Talk: Basics of Monsoon
    Prof. Ravi S. Nanjundiah, Director, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
    Date: 21-May-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/NlYRiVz8qA0

  • Fourth Talk: Sustaining the Ocean Observations
    Speaker: Dr. R. Venkatesan, Head- OOS Group, NIOT, Chennai 
    Date: 19-May-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/j2v_FcVd86Q

  • Third TalkTsunami- basics and warning system
    Speaker: Dr. S. C. Shenoi, Director, INCOIS
    Date: 14-May-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/J5X61CbTd-g

  • Second TalkAir Pollution and Covid-19
    Speaker: Prof (Dr.) Gufran Beig, Scientist G, IITM Pune
    Date: 12-May-2020, 12:00-01:00 IST
    Access: https://youtu.be/9AtLnKdyBF8

February 2020

  • February 11-13, 2020, ICCS-6
    The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), under the auspices of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Government of India, will host the 6th International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS6) in Pune, India from February 11-13, 2020. The days before and after the conference days are reserved for side events.
    ICCS is the world’s premiere climate services event, organized jointly by the Global Framework for Climate Services, an international effort coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization, and the Climate Services Partnership.
    Financial support is provided under the UK Department for International Development Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) Programme.
  • February 14, 2020: The South Asia Heat Health Summit organized by WMO (more details will follow...)


November 2019


   June 2019

  • 17-21 : Tropical Met Training Program at IITM for Flight Lieutenant from Directorate of Meteorology,New Delhi.


March 2019

  • 25-27: Brainstorm Meeting/Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques (by invitation only)
  • 12:15:  International Workshop on Chemistry Climate Interaction [IWCCI]

The proposed workshop will bring together talented young scientists, international and national experts in regional and global coupled chemistry-climate observations and modeling and aims to provide the participants a good exposure to the international scientific community in the field of atmospheric chemistry climate interaction.

The workshop will have a series of talks on fundamentals of chemistry-climate modeling and train the next-generation scientists on  regional chemistry/chemistry-climate models.Around 7 international experts, 15-20 national experts and approximately 40 Indian participants from various MoES organizations and research institutions are expected to be a part of this workshop.

This workshop will be from 12th March 2019 [Tuesday]  to 15th March 2019,[ Friday] IITM,Pune  

         Apply online at http://www1.tropmet.res.in/~cdd/job/ghg-workshop2019.php

  List of International and National Speakers



January 2019

  • 31 to Feb-6: Special Lecture Series on Inverse Problems on greenhouse gas fluxes.

    Dates: 04-Feb to 08-Feb 2019

    Inverse problems in greenhouse gas researches are inevitable when it comes to the utilization of ground-based GHG observations in the estimations of surface emission /absorption scenarios. DESK is planning 5 days of special lecture series on Inversion by international expert involved in the global carbon inverse problems from 04-Feb to 08-Feb 2019. Special Lecturer: Prof. Shamil Maksyutov (Retd) is a founder developer of Global Carbon Transport Model and group head of GHG inverse modelling efforts of GOSAT project at NIES, Japan. Topics covering: (1) Theories of inverse problems for GHG inversions, (b) hands on training on NIES-TM and (c) lectures introducing protocols of TransCOM inversion projects.

    Apply online at: http://www1.tropmet.res.in/~cdd/job/ghg-workshop2019.php



December 2016

  • NWP Workshop on Interpreting Probabilistic Forecasts